Cornelia Street

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A/N random thing but just to let you guys know. the number of chapters a day is based on how many I write a day. so today I wrote three so here is another one. and its also posted today because I got pissed about all the people talking shit about Joe on twitter after that interview that came out today. I may or may not have sent a few tweets and wanted to like hit a wall. some people are so disrespectful. fine you don't like him but no need to be so rude. Taylor is happy and everyone should respect that.

** Monday October 25th, 2032**

-taylors pov-

Ellie has been at school for two weeks today and I feel like we are getting in a grove now. The days are repetitive but since my job is so abnormal, I just really enjoy the simple and normal things in life. I enjoy driving the girls to school, doing homework with them, taking them to their after-school activities and tucking them into bed at the end of the day and telling them how much I love them. I never want them to go to bed without saying how much I love them because if there is anything I've learned in life it's that tomorrow is not a given, so we need to remember to tell the people that we love how much we love them.

"The house is so quiet" joe says as we are cleaning up the playroom. It's transformed over the years to be more of a big girl hangout area with a flatscreen tv and a couch instead of just toys everywhere. There are still toys as Kenzie is only six and aurora is nine but it's not the same as when they were all toddlers. Ellie has been asking for a tv for her room, but we have a rule in this house that there are no TV's in the kids' bedrooms because we want them to get a good night's sleep and not be tempted by electronics. Ellie and aurora have phones and all the girls have tablets, as well as Ellie has a MacBook, but all electronics need to be downstairs before they go to bed. We don't let them have them in their room because we know how tempting it is to use it when we don't see them and then they end up not sleeping at all and we have to deal with grumpy children in the morning.

"it's really quiet. But it's nice that we get some time to us selves too. Especially since you're leaving for a movie soon" I say and sigh. On November 1st joe leaves for a movie and isn't back before the day before Christmas. It's always hard when we are away from one another, but this is a movie he has been dying to do so I want him to do it. It's going to be hard having three kids here on my own, especially with Ellie, but it's going to be fine. When joe does his thing, he is happy, and when he is happy the rest of us is happy too. It's important for the kids too to know that we work hard because we want them to value working hard to get where they want in life too.

Even though the kids are privileged with the fact that we have no money issues, but we don't want them to grow up as spoiled brats that gets everything handed to them. We want them to learn the importance of hard work to get what they want. So the kids have chores just like any other family that they need to do to get their allowance, that's how we roll in this family. Everyone needs to help to keep the house tidy and have a good environment for us together. They don't have much to do, but they do some things and that's important.

"I really don't want to leave when things are what they are around here. Leaving you alone with three kids where one of them is anorexic and goes to therapy two times a week, it's a lot to deal with. Not to mention dance classes and gymnastics" he says, and I actually agree but we just need to figure out a way to get it all done. "I know it will be hard, but we can do it, it's nothing we haven't done before, sure it's harder with Ellie but it's going to be okay"

We have figured out that I pick Ellie up from school and take her to therapy and then I go pick up the other kids before I go and pick up Ellie from therapy. But the day when I am going with her our nanny is picking up the other two from school. then when Ellie has ballet, the nanny stays home with the other two, and then when they all have activities after school, I go with Ellie and she goes with aurora and Kenzie. I would alternate with the nanny, but I need to make sure Ellie actually eats her food and I don't want to put that on anyone else.

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