Chapter 60

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Shanya's POV

Friday 7:15 AM

I watch as Alex walks into the bedroom wrapped in his towel, he just took a shower. I don't know how much longer I can do this. Pregnancy has made me super horny, and Alex hasn't been looking my way. No matter how much I beg he is yet to cave and there isn't much I can do because I'm stuck in this fucking bed.

I can only leave the bed for bathroom breaks, if Alex is here, he lifts me and takes me to the bathroom and then back to bed, when he's not here the nurse assists me. Sometimes I get to go on my favourite love seat on the balcony but for the most part, I am stuck in this fucking bedroom.

I know Lilly said no sex but Alex can at least give me some head, my fingers do nothing for me and he has hidden my fucking toys. Nothing I say is convincing him to touch me, I sleep naked every night and still nothing.

"Are you losing interest in me?" I utter as I lust after him.

"Nya that's not going to work," he states and walks into the closet.

"I think we both know that there are other ways to make me cum outside of penetration. Sucking my pussy won't do anything to the baby, putting your finger inside my pussy won't cause a problem either, if that was the case your mother wouldn't be doing it every time, she comes to check on me," I complain angrily.

"Nya cut the shit, you know why I don't start anything with you, If I do, you are going to convince me to fuck you and I will never forgive myself if I hurt you or the baby," he answers and kisses his teeth from inside the closet.

"I refuse to accept that reason, I am your wife and I have needs! My hormones are through the fucking roof and my own fucking husband is refusing to satisfy my needs.

You've hidden my fucking toys so I can't do it my damn self and that's unfair, I am stuck in this damn room every fucking day, you get to go and come as you please and you can't give me a fucking orgasm!

I hate you! I hate this! I hate that I'm pregnant!" I shout and get even more upset because tears start flowing down my face.

Alex stands at the closet door looking at me, I take my time and get off the bed but he's in front of me before I can start walking.

"Don't touch me," I push away his hands as he tries to lift me.

"Nya, please stop," he says, holding me firmly in place.

"No, I hate you, you are mean and not being a good husband," I cry, and he sighs.

"The vows I took said in sickness and in health, we're in the sickness part of it now, Baby, we won't always be here. I know it's frustrating but as your husband, I must ensure that you are ok and giving in to your demands won't help.

Nya we've had more sex than most people and I'm sure we will have a lot more when you're better. I rather you hate me for a few months than for a lifetime if anything should happen to our baby.

Nya you've already bonded with the baby, you have several names picked out, you talk to it, imagine losing it now when we fought so hard to keep it alive.

I promise you that I will fuck you whenever, wherever and however you want once Mom gives us the ok. If we never get the go-ahead during the rest of the pregnancy as soon as you have our baby and you're ready mi nah hitch.

Nya yuh think mi no see the changes that your body is going through? Yuh sexy no bloodclaat but mi affi tough it out. A mi and yuh inna dis and wi ago come thru enuh wid wi baby wah ago look exactly like your handsome husband," he wraps his arms around my waist and grins at me.

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