Chapter 56 Unedited

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The next day December twenty second; Evan took us to some historian vineyard, where they have stone statue of the original owners, who are responsible for some of Italians finest pasta sauce around the world to this very day. Gia and her camera was in seventh heaven" and Evan helping her to capture the best light for the perfect pictures. Giselle and I make ourselves usefully by posing for some of the pictures Gia was taking. At the end of the day, we head back to the house' with little time to freshen up and change, before Gia have us back outside for the Christmas festy in town. Gia wanted to go check out the Christmas decorations now that is was almost dark.

The town wasn't large, but was full with people from all ages. The atmosphere was entertaining and fun. The girls were enjoying themselves" Gia Taking pictures as usual while Giselle buying stuffs she really doesn't have a need for. Evan stays close to me, but I wasn't in the talking mood, and it seems as if he senses it.

At midnight, I told the girls it was time to head to the house, Giselle complains a little, saying she wanted to stay longer, but I wasn't giving in this time. When we got to the house, I waited until the girls were dressed and ready for bed, when I went into their room to say goodnight, Evan joins me. I kiss their cheeks and told them I love them. They did the same. When Evan copy us, with the cheek kissing" I held my breath" waiting to see if he was going to say the same exact words I did too. Have a good night girls; see you in the morning he added, before leaving the room. 

Then it was our time to say goodnight to each other.  (Awkward much) Last night, he had went back to his hotel to take care of some business, he told us. He called while he was there," saying it would be really late before he would be back, so I'd told him to stay and come back early in the morning. 

We exit the girl's room and were standing in the hallway. The three rooms in the house were at the back part of the house, the living room and kitchen was what you see when you enter the front door. Two of the rooms were on the same side, with a full bathroom in-between them," the other one on the next side with its own bathroom. Evan was staying in that one.

Ready for bed, he asks coolly.

Yeah! What about you? 

I'm ready, unless you want to sit and talk for a little, he said with his pearly white.

It's kind of late, and beside Gia wants us outta here by nine, I said playing it off as if; Gia is the reason why we can't sit and talk.

Okay...' good night Judine.

Goodnight Evan, I reply, but neither of us moved from our spot. I wasn't going to lie, seeing Evan again after our encounter back in South Africa at the airport; I was reminded of how hot he still is" the attraction to him was still inside me. Being here with Evan was too close, for me to feel comfortable. He'd have express his feelings for me, but only in words, never any other way. And that was over the phone, way before I thought we would be staying under the same roof.

See you in the morning he said kissing my cheek and walk away before I could reply. He went into his room and closes the door without looking back.

The next day December twenty third, the clock said nine eighteen a.m. I crawl out of bed wondering, how comes Gia hasn't come calling. I look out the window; the weather didn't look as pleasant as it did yesterday morning. Nevertheless, this was Gia day to go to one of those historians places again.

I walk out of the bedroom, after showered and dressed; no one was up and about. I check on the girls, they were both still asleep, I silently reclose their room door. I didn't even bother checking on Evan when I see his door was still close. I decided to make breakfast so they'll have something to eat when they get up.

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