Chapter 32

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"The next day...' I was up early, so I went into work earlier than usual." I got myself comfortable and wait for Ian." At seven thirty he walks in on his cell talking." He walks over to me and kisses my cheek, with the phone still glue to his ear." I make myself busy as I wait for him to finish his call."

"Hey...I see that you've sober up, he said after ending his call." 

"Yeah I'm sober...mister I'm going to guard you like a hawk tonight, I said with sarcasm in my voice."

"Hey, don't blame me for not sitting by your side all night" caused the minute Chad walks in the club he was on you like supper glue...'I cut him off."

"What the hell are you talking about, I said disbelieving" Ian you were there sitting with us." You were the one busy doing match mating, and left us alone...' 

"Oh yeah, did you see how quickly he jumps up to go with you to get his birthday gift...'he was saying."

"Oh please...your ass would have done the same thing too, if I had a present for you, and why wouldn't he want to follow me for his present eh? I said eyeing him."

"Okay...'all I'm saying is that I didn't want to crowd you, when it was obvious that Chad wanted to spend his birthday party celebration making sure that you were having a good time, he ended and taking his seat at his desk." 

"Ian I don't know when you're going to get it into your hard head that Chad has a girlfriend and we're just friends, I said sounding as if I'm trying to convince myself too." 

"I hear you loud and clear...' but on a serious note, we need to take you out more often." This drunken thing is not going to happen again on my watch, or any other time for that matter he said manly changing the subject." 

"And what are you...' imposing? I ask curiously." 

"Come out with me this weekend, Saturday night he added." 

"And I'm supposed to believe that you will be having my life 100% safely guarded, I stated instead of asking him." 

"But of course...'the only reason why I stayed away from you the other night was because of Chad, he said with seriousness in his tone." 

" I don't know Ian 'a mean' getting wasted wasn't joyous for me, I told him as I turn my attention back to my work on the computer." 

"That's the point...'I want to take you out so that you can get used to having a fun time without getting drunk...' 

"Okay...'we'll see, I'll let you know, I said." 

"We spend the early part of the morning working and talking about everything and anything that interest us." At ten twenty two, Chad walked into the office after Ian told him to enter."  

"Hey J, he said barely looking at me, as he make his way over to Ian." 

"Hi, I reply sensing that something was off with him today." 'A mean' his serious business face was on, but the way he walks in here and his body language seem different somehow." 

"Ian may I have a word with you, he said sounding as if he was trying to keep from shouting at him." 

"Yeah give me a sec...' Ian reply, not paying too much attention to Chad." 

"Chad walks over to me, and leans on my desk" what are you working on? He asks all business like." But as I was about to tell him, Ian walk up beside him." 

"What's up? He asks Chad." 

"Chad didn't answer him" see you later J, he said motioning for Ian to follow him outside." I look at Ian and he glimpse at me before walking behind Chad." Ian was gone for a long fifteen to twenty minutes, and I wonder what they were talking about that I wasn't allow to hear." Not wanting to over think things, I went back to my work." 

"Ian walks back into our office in a foul mood." He drops a folder on his desk and murmurs some curse words under his breath, before he told me what was going on." 

"We lost an account, he said sounding piss." 

"Which one...? I ask giving him all my attention now." 

"He didn't answer me, he picks up the folder and drop it on my desk, as he spins around and walk back over to his desk." I open the folder and look at it." 

"This is not one that we've worked on; this is Bobby's I said confuse." 

"I know, Ian said with the phone to his ear" Bobby I'm coming to your office right now, we need to talk he barks into the phone before he slammed it back on the hook." He sits in his chair and run his hand over his face." 

"Is it that bad, I ask with cautions in my voice?" Ian is a nice guy that hardly very gets upset." But when he does, he's like a snake with poison venom." 

"Bobby had me sign off on this account, he told me that everything was in order, and I believed him." I didn't double check him before I give him the okay to bring it to Chad." Chad thought that it was ready so he didn't look it over." The meeting with the clients went sour." And we lost the account he explain to me." 

"Can't we fix it? I ask concern lacing my voice." 

"Chad spent all morning trying to do just that, but the clients said that he shows neglect and poor customer's services." He apologizes to them and took full responsibility he told them." They accepted his apologies and said that if they change their minds they'll give him a call Ian finish telling me." 

"Was it a big account? 

"Fifty grand's for the first contract, he answers." 

"And am guessing Chad isn't taking it lightly?  

"He shakes his head no, as he stands up and pick up the folder." I'll be back he said walking out."

(Thank you for reading my story." Please don't forget to hit the vote button if you like it)

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