Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"The next day when I went to work," Ian gave me some paper work to drop off at Chad's office." I knock at his door, and wait until he invites me in." 

"Come in, he said." 

"Hey Ian wanted..." I stop when I notice that he was on his cell, standing by his wall glass window." He puts up two fingers signaling me, that he'll be with me shortly." I didn't wanna eardrop on his phone call, so I focus on his appearance."  

"He was dressed rather nicely into a dark brown Guess suit, with a half white color shirt inside, and a stripe tie that has mostly dark brown and brown shoes." oh boy, he was looking even more attractive than ever this morning and I couldn't take my eyes of him." Only one little problem, I couldn't see his eyes," Because he was wearing his glasses." 

"You wanted to see me? He asks looking at me." 

"Oh yeah, Ian, said that I should give you these, I said feeling embarrass, that he caught me staring at him." But he pretends as if he didn't notice." He took the files from me, and immediately turns his eyes, from me to them." 

"I was having mix feelings about Chad." And I usually don't get caught up into feelings like these." But Ian was bugging me about now much Chad likes me." Being the curious human being that I am, I needed to find out if he does." 'Without being so obvious of course' I just need to ask a few questions." 

"Does your girlfriend works in the fashion industry? I ask, Hoping that he will realized that, I still knows that he's taken." ("Just in case he did say something to Ian") 

"No" why, he asks still looking at the papers." 

"Because you always dressed so fashionable, your suits always put together stylishly," 'you know' everything well-coordinated, I told him easily." 

"He took his eyes from the documents, and looks at me" as his lazy smile find its way on his handsome face." No, I dressed myself, he replies." 

"You're telling me that you take the time, every morning to put your suit and matching tie together nicely and find the right color shoes too, I said disbelieving." 

"He chuckle a little, before answering me," yes' it's not hard; all I do is pick a suit from my closet, and a pair of shoes to go with it." 

"Oh..., so someone match them up for you, your clothes I mean, I said smiling a little." 

Yes' my dry cleaner does that for me, he said looking at me with curiosity on his face." 

"What? I said nervously," 

"J" you're quizzing me on my outfit..." 

"Well, um...' I was just curious, 'you know' I was wondering if your girlfriend had anything to do with your appearance, that's all." 

"He smiles at me, and you want to know this for? 

"Just curious, that's all, I said with a shaky voice." 

"Lying doesn't work for you, so don't do it, he said coolly." 

"Who said I'm lying, I said defensively." 

"You are, so don't deny it." Now what is it you wanted to know about my choice of clothing? Or about my girlfriend, He said turning his full attention on me." 

"I just like your work outfits, and thinks that they looks good on you..." Um... wait a minute that didn't come out the right way Chad... he cuts me off. 

"J" um... Are you okay? 

"Good question, I'll answer that later, I said rushing out of his office." 'Talk about embarrass,' why can't I just think before I talk, I argue with myself." 

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