Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"On Tuesday morning I walk into our office 'yes I now call it ours' and kiss Ian on his cheek as I greet him." I didn't even get the chance to go to my desk, before he tells me that Chad would like to have a word with me in his office upstairs." I look at his face to see if I can read what this is all about" but his face expression was emotionless." 

"I kept a straight face too," has my heart beat picks up a bit faster." (Lord if you're here with me now please holds my hands." Because if I lose this job now, this will be the death of me for sure I said in my head.)  

"Now" I ask him." 

"he nodded his head yes, as his look change to," You're in trouble." 

"I didn't say anything else to him, as I walk out the door." On my way to Chad's office I try not to over think things," as I told myself that I'm a big girl and I can deal with anything that the world throws at me today." I knock at his close door once." 

"Come in J, he said in his business tone." 

"J" he's using his friendly name for me, that's good right? I said to myself walking into his office." 

"Please have a seat, he was saying..." 

"Are you sure that I don't need to stand for this little get together, I said half joking." He was standing at his big wall window looking out." 

"He turns around and looks at me and smiles." But it wasn't his cute dimples smile, it was the lazy smile." 

"Suit yourself! He said walking toward his desk." He sat down and motions his hand offering me to sit down again," so I did."  

"Do you like working here? He asks in that serious business tone." 

"Yes, I do! 

"He nodded his head," and how is it working out for you, traveling wise he added." 

"Pretty well, I said keeping my answers short." 

"It's not too much driving for you? He continues in the serious tone." 

"I love long distance driving, I reply." 

"J let me get to the reason why I ask you to come into my office." Ian and I believes that you're very talented and can achieve so much more out of life by working here...," he stopped for a few seconds to see if I was going to say anything, but I didn't." so he continue in that business tone." 

"I would like to ask you a question, but you don't need to give me an answer now or even today, he said looking at me." And I notice that his tone has softened a little." 

"Sure, go ahead, I'll let you know if I can give you an answer or not, I said seriously." 

"Would you work with us on a full time schedule? He said hopeful." 

"I raise my eye brows, with a shock look on my face." But before I could say anything, he started to talk again." 

"I'm willing to pay you more than the hospital is paying you right now," I will find you an apartment in the area that's affordable for you," and remember that you still get to make your own schedule, he ended." 

"We sat there in total silence for what seem like forever" but it was only a couple minutes." He was watching me and I know that I need to say something." But I was having a thank you conversation in my head with God." 

"I like it here, but..." 

"J" I personally will buy you a new car and pay your rent for one year..." I cut him off. 

"Look you don't need to butter me up for me to stay here." I like it here, I'm just worried that I might not be able to do the job that you belief I can do, I told him." 

"J, we've past this doubting stage already." If not anything," think about the Millers account that you have landed us..." 

"Yes" but Ian help me on it..." 

"You and I both know that it was all you." But that's beside the point, that account has been with us for over five months, and Ian was getting nowhere with it." Have a little faith in yourself he said smiling his true dimples smile."  

"Well" I am honored that you believe that I am good enough to work here full time, and I accept your job offer with great appreciation, I said meaning it more than he would ever know."  

"Wonderful...' I do mean it when I said that, I will buy you a new car and pay..." 

"Listen Chad, thanks and all, but I don't need special presents or treatments here! I can take care of myself I stated coolly." 

"J" I just want to welcome you here and thank you for using your talent here, he said genuine." 

"Thanks, but I have always taken care of my needs, so I'm good thank you." 

"I can see that you're a very independent person..." 

"Yes I am, and I want to keep it that way, I said before I could stop myself from thinking out loud." 

"Okay, I respect that...," but nothing is wrong with receiving a heart warning welcoming gift from someone who wants to show their appreciation to you, he said calmly." 

"I get what you're saying, but being the way I am is my only way to survival," I don't want anything from anyone 'no offence to you' but being independent is the only way for me to make it into this world." 

"Okay, I get it" I understand, he said bowing his head up and down." 

"Thanks I said smiling." 

"Sure, so when do you want to go look at apartments? He asks cheerfully." 

"You and I" I said grinning because I can't see him going house hunting with me." Maybe Ian, but not Chad" Or maybe I'm over thinking things again I told myself." 

"Yes, I have a friend who has a two bed two bath condo close by the beach in Hallandale beach, and he's renting it, I'm not sure how much it's going for." But I'm sure there will be room for negotiation if we need to, he ended." 

"Sounds close enough for me, I said excited as I thank God silently." Any time is okay with me, if Ian doesn't bite my head off for doing personal stuff on my work days, I said with an easy laugh." 

"Trust me, he won't mind, besides he wants you to move here as soon as possible he said getting up from off the chair." 

"Are we going now? I ask surprise." 

"Not this minute, give me about half an hour, I need to make some calls. "Then I'll come and get you he said picking up his cell phone." 

"Okay no prob," I said walking out the door."

(Thank you for reading my story." Please don't forget to hit the vote button if you like it)

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