Chapter 23

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"Chad and I became close friends, we talk everyday on the phone, about any and everything." Just like I do with Ian" I didn't see him that often at work, but when I do, it was business as usually."  

"When he said that he don't mix personal stuff, with business, he wasn't joking." The only personal thing he has said to me at work is, '(how are you, when he greets me, which is what he does with everyone else.) we haven't spent any time alone, since my flu outbreak." and I try asking him if he had gotten into trouble, by staying at my house." His answer was short and simple." 'NO" each time I mention his girlfriend, his reply, was the same one word answer." 'yes, or no' I figure that he didn't like getting this personal with our friendship, so I stay away from that topic." 

"Ian wasn't kidding when he said that, this was our busiest time of the year." It was none stop working, I even find myself working hard at home, as I do at the office." Christmas sneak up on me just like thanksgivings." And again I was put off guard that they didn't have office parties, like we did at the hospital." 

"Ian went to LA for the Christmas and Chad went to New York." 'Of course' I had to tell them that I was going somewhere too." 'Chad said after the stunt that I pull on them at thanksgiving." Both him and Ian need to know that I wasn't spending the Christmas holiday all by myself." I had to tell them that my cousin was having a big Christmas party, with family and friends," 'which' wasn't really a lie,' just that it was at the Assisted Living where she worked at and she was allowed to, invite anyone."

The office gave us bonus again, and some team members, exchange gifts." Chad and Ian both gave me gift cards, that can be used at most stores in the mall." I gave them the same, except that, it was at restaurants." I figures that they're always out eating, so they would use it quickly."

Christmas came and went, and it was back to work as usual." Super bowl was drawing near, and the office was getting excited." Ian had me working on a couple new ads, and he had involved me with their super bowl ads, so I was excited too." The super bowl playoff brings in a few celebrities from the sports world, and Ian, said that I did well working side by side, with the rich and famous." There's nothing to it, I just pretends as if they all have the same personality like you Ian, I've told him grinning." That shut him up."  

"It was another late Friday for me at the office again, but Ian was here with me." At eight pm he said that we were leaving, I didn't complain." I got home and head straight for the shower, ten minutes later I was lying in bed." 

"On Saturday morning at six ten a.m., my cell started ringing while I was on the toilet." I rush out to answer it quickly." 

Hi, I said to Chad.' 

"Hey J, I know that you're an early morning person, so I won't ask if I had wake you up, he said sounding unsure." 

"Yes, I am, I was up already." So...' what's up? 

"Ok, great, I was just wondering if you have any plans for today. 

"Um..., let's see...' none that I can think of." why? 

"I'm going for a little drive down to Key West, I was just wondering if you would like to come along for a ride? He said sounding unsure." 

"Key west, yeah sure, that sounds like fun, I said excited." 

"Awesome! Have you ever been there? He asks sounding happy." 

"Yes...' years ago with some friends." It's been so long I don't even remember the way there, I said laughing a little." 

"It's one straight road, you'll remember it as soon as we're on the way, he said." Do you want me to pick you up from your house? 

"No, thanks, I'll drive and meet you at your house, if that's okay, I said quickly, as I wonder if his girlfriend was there." 

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