Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"At six fifteen p.m. I hear my cell ringing," I reach for it and check to see who were calling me. The number was unknown.


"Hi, Judine...' 


"It's Chad, just calling to see how things are going. 

"Oh hi, all is well, I answer smiling. 

"Good..., still don't have any plans to go anywhere? 

"No" none at all. 

"Listen...' don't take this the wrong way; but why don't you let me take you out to grab a bite or something," I feel really bad for what happen today, he stated. 

"You really don't need to take me..." he cuts me off abruptly.

"I know I don't need to, but I want to. Um...' - it will let me feel less guilty about crashing into your car, he said sounding genuine.

We were both silence for a few seconds, before I heard myself saying okay," 

"Great, I'll pick you up in twenty minutes, he told me before we hung up.

"I put my phone down, but the whole conversation was still playing in my head. Either this guy is a very sweet and caring person, or he's up to something," but because I know that, I have to deal with him either way, I decided to play along. "Besides" I am a big girl who can take care of herself. 

"I was waiting outside when he pulls up," I open the car door quickly, when I notice he was getting out. "No doubt to come and open my door.

"Where would you like to go? He ask me as soon as I sat down," 

"Um... well", this is your city, so you choose, I reply.

"Okay;-  fair enough," but I don't know what you would like to eat, he said.

"We can go to any place that served a nice salad," 

"So I'm guessing that you like salads.

"Let's just say; it's my main course.

"Okay, he said sounding amuse.

"We pulled into the parking lot of a Ruby Tuesday restaurant. will this place do? He asks me before he turn the engine off. 

"Yeah, sure this is fine, thank you...' 

"Don't thank me yet, make sure I pay the bill first before thanking me he said joking.

"Well...' if you can't pay" I'll just have to help you, roll up those expensive sleeve of your, so that you can help me wash the dirty dishes, I said smiling as I open the car door.

"Chad came around to my side and walk beside me, as we enter the restaurant.

"It was crowded, so we had to wait for a table. We sat on a bench outside, in silence, at first. Until his cell rings, he excuses himself and got up and walked away.

"I don't know what I'm doing here with this guy, I said to myself. Probably it was his girlfriend calling him; I don't think he was married, because he wasn't wearing a wedding bond. I started to wonder, what was he really up to, "a mean" the guy was getting my car fixed already. There was no need to take me out," but he sounded so nice on the phone." Not in a friendship kind of way" but more like, I'm really sorry, let me make it up to you, kind a way. Plus I know my way around here, so if he makes one wrong turn, I can tell.

"I was so caught up in my thoughts; that I didn't hear the waiter calling Chad's name, until Chad touches me on my shoulder. I looked at him.

"The table is ready, he told me. 

Passion of the Soul (formerly known as Love Has No Color)Where stories live. Discover now