Chapter 51

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 (Note: This is unedited)

                                             Dedicated to hollygal123

"Chad sighted" for the hundredth time today..." sitting in his hotel room" after leaving the shooting location earlier this morning. It was now nine ten a.m. he lean his head on the wall behind him and close his tired eye. He hasn't got much sleep last night, and that's one of the main reasons why his team was agitated. He kept shouting cut too many times for his team members liking. It's been a week now since they're here in Boston filming this commercial..." and it was far from being completed. 

"He could not concentrate on his work..." he knew why too. He just needs to let it go and focus on the job at hand, he keep telling him-self over and over for the past hour. 

"The truth is...' doesn't matter how much he tries to put it out of his mind" he missed J and the girls terribly. He's been having mix feelings since the girls were born. Being around them, helping J with them every day for the first four months of their lives..." he feels so drawn toward them. In a way he can't comprehend..." as if they're his kids physically," makes him want to rethink how he feels about life with J. But..." of course, that was wishful thinking" 'so to speak' even if for some unknown reason it can happen between him and J. He can't take the chance of putting her in harm's way. Not with knowing what he'd experience with his family misfortunes. 

"If it wasn't for this evilness..." he thought bitterly, he could be enjoying a normal and happy life with his better half he sighted again, as he opens his eyes. He got up from off the bed, thinking he knows what to do about his weary mind. 

"He reaches for his cell phone, on the side table across from the bed..." he hesitates, but only for a few seconds. He press 1 and wait for her to answer as it rings..." 

"Hey you..." J said after the third ring. 

"Hi, how's it going? 

"Pretty good, are you back? She asks quickly. 

"I could be if you'll have lunch with me, he said with a pleading tone. 

"Oh Chad..." I would have loved to, but sorry" I'm going to have to pass. I wasn't even planning on leaving the office for lunch today at all. I have so much work", I need to catch up for the extra month I took off for the girls, she exclaimed. 

"Okay..." how about dinner on Friday night? He asks surprising himself for asking this question. As the wanting to be in her company feeling overpower him suddenly," and realizing how desperate he wants her to say yes.  

"Yes, sounds good to me, she replies and he could hear the happiness in her voice. 

"He smiles before saying anything else..." Awesome! I'll pick you up around seven, he told her still smiling. 

"Make it six, I have story reading with the girls at eight every night, she informed him.

"They hang up after talking about the girls and work." He reminded her not to over work..." but even he knows his words to her on that topic felt on deaf ears. Friday night has to be special, he declares. Since the girls were born," it's just work and home for J, "I know she's a new mom. This change in her personalities was like walking on thin ice around her" she won't go out anymore. she won't leave the country for work again neither" he know she was over doing it. 

"Whenever he leaves town..." he always give Neymar her assistance a call, to see how things really are with J. Neymar had informed him more than once, J has canceled or reschedule clients meeting in the past six weeks. I supposed it's a little harder with the girls being six months old now..." it's hard to believe J's a mother now. Everything is changing between them so fast, soon she'll be telling him" she find someone and fallen in love..." the very thought ache his lonely heart. 

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