Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 

"I've been so busy at the office..."the thanksgiving holiday creeps upon me." Not that I have any plans to celebrate it, like most American do." Thanksgiving is for family and good friends, both of which I do not have." My ex co-workers at the hospital, were my family and good friends for the past two years, that I've worked there." Every year the management staff throws a big thanksgiving for all the staff and patients, and that was always how I enjoyed my thanksgiving." 

"This year thanksgiving however, I wasn't at the hospital." So I have no plans to go anywhere, which is perfectly fine with me." 

"It was two days before thanksgiving, and the office was pretty much empty." Most of the team members had already left on Monday evening." Only a few were here today too wrapped up things before they leave for the six days holiday time off." 

"They didn't throw thanksgiving party here, like at the hospital." We get three hundred dollars bonuses, for our thanksgiving instead, which was thoughtful, but it can't beat the wonderful and lively party at the hospital."  

"Chad, Ian and myself, were the only ones left in our department." 'Naturally' but Chad was leaving today for Hawaii, where he'll spend more than the whole six days." Because he has business meetings to attend to after the thanksgiving celebration is over, he told me." And I wonder if he's taking his girlfriend with him."  

"Chad and I talk more often at work these past few days, since he took me to lunch..." And basically tell me not to act uncomfortable around him at the office." It seems as if he wasn't the only one who had notice that I was doing just that, because Ian had comment on that scenario too." 

At one twenty pm, Chad came into our office, to say goodbye." He hugs me and wishes me a happy time off." As I wonder why he didn't say happy thanksgiving, like most people would." 

Thanks I said, and added happy thanksgiving to you." 

"It's still two days away J, I'll call you to wish you that, when it comes, he said answering what I was wondering in my head." Ha, that make sense, I told myself." 

"Yeah, that's right, I'm rushing the days, I simply said." 

Ian just looks at us." Chad hugs him too, but not the same arms wrapped around shoulders, like he gave me." 

I was still in high spirits when Chad left." Ian and I spent two more hours doing last minute paper work." He walks me to my car, as he asks me if I was going west, for the holiday." 

"No" I'm staying right here at home." Plus it's my birthday tomorrow, so my celebration starts tomorrow, I told." 

He was shock that I didn't mention that it was my birthday." Not waiting to hear his profanities for not telling him about my birthday" I kiss his cheek and told him goodbye, with a promise that I'll call him on Thanksgiving Day." 

"On Wednesday November twenty six at two fifteen in the afternoon," I was lying down on my couch, watching reruns of two and a half man." My cell phone started ringing." 

"Hi Chad, I'm guessing that you have arrived safely, I said answering my phone." 

"It's your birthday, he said disbelieving." 

"Ian and his big mouth, I said before I could stop myself." 

"Did you ask Ian not to tell me that it was your birthday? He asks sounding surprise." 

"No" I reply poorly." 

"Then you can't get mad at him for sharing that information with me, he said but didn't stop there." You didn't want me to know that today was your birthday? He asks seriously." 

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