Chapter 12

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"I pull up into my driveway two hours later." I turn the car off and got out of the car, as I walk up to the front door." My high spirits suddenly drop to the lowest it could ever drop, I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath before I open them again." I reach out and peel off the paper that was tape on the door."  

Dread surrounds me as I read it." The bank was giving me seven days to evacuate my home, and if I didn't leave within the time period they have the right to throw me out by law." 

"I stood there in disbelief, as I read the notice twice." I open the door and slowly walk in as if the bank people were in there waiting for me." I throw the notice on my dining room table." I know that I have to do something but I wouldn't focus on what it was at the moment." I look around the house to see if there was any clue, none." As I was moving to the living room, it came to me," I need to unload the car." Somehow, I got everything from the car, inside the house."  

"I was feeling as if the doctor just told me that I had only one week to live." Everything was draining from my body," My spirit about the new job", my spirit to hold on to my home which I have for the past three years." I realize that even the will to go to work at the hospital wasn't there." I was slowly shutting down; I sat on the couch and take up my cell phone and dial the hospital." The front desk answer, I ask to be transfer to my supervisor Geneva." 

"Hi Geneva, it Judine," I'm calling to let you know that I won't be coming in to work tomorrow, I have an emergency...' 

"Are you alright? She asks cutting me off." 

"Yes" I'm okay," 

"You don't sound like you're okay, she said with her motherly tone." 

I wanted to say yes I was okay and hang up, but the care in her voice stops me." Plus it was ironic for me to be calling the hospital saying that I have an emergency and didn't mention what room I was in." 

"No its nothing" just some person issues that I need to attend to right away, I told her sounding like I just loss my best friend." She must have notice the sadness in my voice." 

"Is there anything that I can do to help? 

"No" thank you for asking, I replies." 

"You're the best L.P.N. on my shift and I sure gonna be lonely without you here tomorrow." 

"Thanks for your kind words, I said but it came out a whisper..." 

"Do you want to get together and talk about it, she pushes on." 

"I've known Geneva for two years and she has always been nice to everyone who works on her shift, so I know that the concern in her voice was coming from her heart." I didn't wanna meet with her and I didn't wanna lie to her," so I've decided to tell her what was going on with my home and the bank." 

"Oh dear, I am so sorry to hear that you too are going through this with the bank." And I do understand how you're feeling," 

"I was about to tell her that she can't possible understand" when she told me that she has a family member who had been through this and they had loss they home, which result in them moving in with other relatives." She also told me that they are many home owners who are renting out rooms to help with their mortgage all over my area" and maybe I should look into that option." 

"I thank her for her advice, as she wishes me luck and said that if I need any help, just call her." We hang up" I sat there in a Trent." What she said sounds good, but my mind was shutting down," I wouldn't think clearly at the moment." I took my shoes off, and curled up on the sofa." I switch on the TV and stare at it, as my mind was a thousand miles away." 

Passion of the Soul (formerly known as Love Has No Color)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang