Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Chad called me on Friday, while I was at work." I told him that I couldn't talk at the moment, because we were so busy." He apologizes for disturbing me at work, but I assure him that it was fine and I will call him back." But I didn't get the chance to during my entire shift." It was so busy that I even had to work late." I left work at seven pm, instead of three." 

"By the time I got home I was too tired to eat, much more to pick up the phone and talk." I took a quick shower and hopped into bed, as I turn on the TV for company." Five minutes to nine, and my eyes was closing, before I knew it I was out cold." 

I didn't get the chance to return Chad's call, until my lunch break at one p.m. the next day." 

"Hey" sorry about yesterday", it was a bit busy I said as soon as he greets me." 

"No" it's okay, I'm the one who should be saying sorry, for disturbing you at work, he said sounding genuine." But I did call for a reason he said sounding happy." 

"Okay, what's your reason? 

"Well I've spoken to Maxwell and he wanted me to ask you, if you would be interested in selling your car...' 

"What? Where he came up with that idea, I ask annoyed." 

"Hey" I don't know, he said something like," your car is a classic and some friend of his would pay big bucks for it, he said calmly." 

"Tell him I said 'NO' and asked him if I'd told him that I was looking for big bucks," I said angrily." 

"Hey, hey," I'm just the messenger here, it wasn't my idea, he said quickly." 

"Well, sorry" but when you tell him how piss I was," he'll get the clear message that I'm not interested in selling." 

"Okay, um...' there's one more reason why I had called you, he said sounding nervous." 

"Okay I said in a calmer tone." 

"Maybe I should tell you about it later or tomorrow, he said still sounding nervous." 

"No, no, it's okay, I assure him in a calmly voice."  

"Um, well "Ian and I were talking and I'd mention to him about how you 'you know' came up with some good ideas about making ads...'"Hello"  

"Yeah" I'm listening." 

"Oh I thought that you've hang up on me there for a second, he said laughing a little." 

"No, I just like to listen before I speak, I reply." 

"Oh okay..., anyway," so Ian said that I should find out from you, if you would like to come and work with us 'part time," he added quickly." 

"Who's Ian, was my first question." 

"Oh, he's my assistance." 

"Chad..., that sounds great, Lord knows that I could use the extra money, I said more to myself than him." But there's a couple of problems with this idea," 'for starters' I don't know how to work at an advertising agency, I have no experience." 'Secondly' I live two hours away from where this job is," plus I have a job here already, I finish saying to him." 

"I know, but if you're interested..." 

"There's that word 'interested again I said cutting him off." 

"Just hear me out he said rush- inly." 

"Okay, I'm listening." 

"If you're willing to join us, you can work on your days off." Plus the company will provide room and board while you're away from home." the pay would worth you spending your day's off with us, and it's not a nine to five job." You will be able to make you own hours." So what do you say? He asks sounding hopeful." 

"Wow" this is... I don't know 'a mean' I don't know... um' what to say." Chad I'm not qualified for the job that you're asking me to do..." he cuts me off." 

"Yes you are," he said with such certainty in his voice, I was lost for words." Listen...' at lease think' about my offer and then give me a call." Also I'll let Maxwell knows that you're not selling your car, okay? 

"Yeah' thanks, and yes I'll think about your offer." 

"And J...Judine....' 


"Don't think too hard; over thinking gives headaches, he said joking." 

"Thanks for the 'INFO' I said and added you sure have away with words mister Chad." Most people would say something like, don't take too much time cause time is money," but not you, I said smiling." 

"Only you would find my words amusing he said, before we said our goodbye and hung up." 

"I went back to work with my head not in it at all." Chad, Chad, Chad, I'm beginning to sense that my life is about to make a dramatic change, the question is, will it be for the better or for the worst."

(Thanks for reading my story." Please don't forget to hit the vote button if you like it)

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