Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Chad called me at nine twenty Thursday morning," 

"Hi Judine, it's me Chad." 

"Hi Chad...' 

"What time are you leaving to go back home today" he question. 

"I'm already home, I left since yesterday." 

"Oh, I hope everything is okay! 

"Yes it is," I just decided that it would be better to come back home one day earlier I said and added..., that way I won't be too tired when I have to get up at six in the morning for work at seven, I ended. 

"Oh I see, so...' you starts work at seven a.m. every morning? 

"Yeah, until three in the evening" 

"What kind of work do you do, "If you don't mind me asking? He added quickly. 

"I am an L.P.N. 

What's L.P.N. stands for? 

"Oh sorry...' it means license practical nurse I explain, I work in the hospital." 

"Oh, that sounds like a good job." 

"Not always I said poorly." 

"Why's that? He asks sounding interested. 

"Because I work in ICU, intensive care unit,' he laugh a little, as he say that he knew what ICU means, in the hospital anyway," and thank me for spelling it out for him anyway." 

"Why is it not always a good job? He asks again. 

"Because some days I get to see people died, instead of us saving their lives," and there's nothing that we can do about it, I said sadly, hating that he can hear the sadness in my voice." 

"Then why do you do it? 

"Because that's all I know," that's how I make a living I added.' 

"But surely you can change career," you look young enough to do that I would think, he said." 

"Yes" but I also do it because I like what I do..." 

"But you just said that...' 

"I know what I said;" I only told you the down side part of my job." There're days when I am very happy with working in a hospital." Well" Because I get to see miracles some days too." I get to see doctors and nurses worked their ass off to save someone's life." And I get to see their family shaded tears of joy, instead of sad tears."  

But the best highlight of a wonderful day at work for me is when a dying patient wants to go and there's no one there to say goodbye to." Sometimes they just want someone to tell them that's it okay to let go," and most of the time I'm the one there for that moment." The release on their faces makes up for the sadness when they're gone, I said quietly." 

"Sounds like you've put your whole heart into what you do, he said seriously." 

"I do, it makes me feel like I'm giving something back to God 'you know' for his kindness toward me." 

"Oh, so are you religious? 

"Yes" but not in a church going kind a way. 

"I'm curious," why are you grilling me with fifty question, so early in the morning? I ask with laugher in my voice." 

"I'm sorry" I didn't mean to pry," I just... he stop talking for a few seconds, as if he was trying to find a reason." I was just wondering what you do for a living," and then one question lead to another, he said trying hard to explain himself."  

I hear a car horn beeping," are you driving? 

"Yeah" I'm on my way to work, he replies." 

"Oh, that's why you're up so early," I voice out before I would stop myself." 

"How do you know that I don't get up early in the morning? He fires back at me." 

"I don't" I said quickly," I wanted to say that I was just thinking out loud, but I didn't," instead I said..." you drink coffee in the morning, and most people that drinks coffee, usually turns out to be not a morning person." 

"Well" I drink coffee because I like the taste of it, and I am a 'whenever' time of the day, kind of a person he said joking." 

"What do you mean 'whenever? 

"It means that if I need to be a morning person for one day I can, or if I need to sleep in late in the mornings I can do that too." 'you see' I programed my body according to my work schedule, he explains." Like today for example," I have a breakfast meeting at ten, so I had to get up early, he stated." 

"Okay I got it, I said easily." 

"So" how's the car? 

"It's great;" it got me home safely, which was good." 

"Okay, um well, I'll keep checking in with Maxwell for an update on your car, he announce as if he needed to cut the call." 

"Okay thanks." 

"Yeah sure," 

"Have a good day," I said coolly." 

"Thank you" you do the same, he reply as we both hang up." 

"Wow" you just don't ran into people like this every day, or in my case, crashes into them every day," Chad, Chad, Chad," who are you? I wonder."

(Thanks for reading my story." Please don't forget to hit the vote button if you like it)

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