Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"He called Maxwell on our way there, and he said that it was ready and waiting." "My car was ready and waiting indeed," and I must say that Maxwell did a pretty good job, no signs of an accident." But it still needed a paint job which he told me that if I needed it done just give him a call." He also told me that he knows that I don't want to sell it, but if I ever decided to sell it, I should consider his friend." I thank him for a job well done, and assure him that I will keep his friend in mind." And also I'll get back to him on the painting job."

"Chad drops me off at my cousin's house, to get the rental car." I drop it off back at the company, and Chad took me back to the house." I wish him luck on his presentation in New York tomorrow, and he wishes me a good week at the hospital, and said that he'll call me before Tuesday." We said our goodbyes."

"I spend the rest of the day researching Chad's work place, and sure enough it was there on the internet." I could see that the company was doing good business too" because they were not advertising for business, and they have been up on running for three years now." I also found out that they have another chain company in Canada," I made a mental note to ask Chad about that, cause I've never been to Canada and if the opportunity comes up, I sure would love to grab it." 

"On Thursday morning I left fort Lauderdale and head back home" telling myself that I need to do some clothes and shoes shopping." 'all though' I can't quite afford to buy them, I know for a certainty that I don't have a decent office dress up suit in my wardrobe."

"Two and a half hours later, I was moving from one rack of clothes to another," in JC Penny's" trying to find at least two decent outfits, that won't run me into bankruptcy." The sales lady notices that I was having some trouble finding what I was looking for." She walks over to me and asks if she can help." Thankful that she offers I told her yes please, and explain what I was looking for."

"The first suit that she found for me was a black pants suit with a short jacket that shows the style of the whole suit." I check out the price and was surprise that it was in my price range." But I hated black clothes" I think that they made me looked half dead, or maybe it reminds me of death." Working in a hospital and seeing people dies so often, you try to stay away from anything that reminded you of the darkness."

I wear mostly color clothes, not bright colors" more like lavender, sea green, and sky blue which are my favorite color." I also use mostly white or light color bed sheets, I like when my room is bright." We look around some more and found two more outfits that I could afford," I try to find another one to replace the black suit with, but no such luck."

"I went into the fitting room with a tan pants suit that was a little tight around my butt area," but fits me nicely." This one is a keeper I told the sales lady who was standing at the door and the outside." She smiles when I hand the suit to her." Next was a dark gray dress that reaches me above my knees, with a big broad belt, light grey that looks closer to sliver than grey." I love the way it fits," not too tight but close enough to show my God bless body." Plus I wouldn't need to buy anything to go with it, because I already have a silver shoes and bag that would go perfect with it."

"As much as I tried to find something else, I still end up with the black suit." After trying it on, I walk out to the sales lady and asks her what she think about it" and of course she announces that it was the best of all the outfits, and I hate to admit it" but she was right."

"I walk out of the store and was happy that I got, three suitable outfits for my new part time job, and it only cost me a hundred and forty two dollars and changes." I started to match my outfits into my head as I drive back to my home." The tan suit would go nicely with a cream sleeveless blouse that I have in my closet, and my cream color three inches heels," the black suite definitely needs a bright color inside blouse," and I have the perfect orange blouse with my black & orange shoes to pull it off." The dark grey dress was my favorite, because I have the cutest silver heels to go with it, plus the belt has the same sparkles that my shoes have." "I am really looking forward to Tuesday morning, 'yes' a little nervous about the job, but nevertheless," excited." I return home, still surprise that I have a new job."  

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