Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Four weeks after coming to work at the company" business was picking up better than expected." Having J here was definitely the right choice." She gets along with everyone, and I was really surprise to see that Ian finally meet his match" someone who gives him a taste of his own medicine." 'a mean' he's my friend and all but Ian is the kind of person who doesn't gives a rat's ass who you are." He just tells you what's on his mind, and sadly sometimes it offended others."

"I need to get everyone on my team to start working on the super bowl ads this coming week." And I need to find out from Ian if J was ready for the challenge."

"Hey" I said as I walk into his office." 

"Hey, to you too, he replies not taking his eyes from off his desktop monitor." 

"I need to talk to you about the super bowl ads," and J I added." That got his attention." 

"J" he said turning around to face me." 

"Yes, J I said in my serious tone." I wasn't about to explain to him why I call her J that was between myself and her."  

"So" what do you want to know about J? He asks suspiciously." 

"I need you to set up a meeting with our team, sometime in the next two days or so" it will be about the super bowl ads." I do want to get everyone starting on them, no later than this coming Monday." He nodded his head yes." 

"Now, what can you tell me about J's work? Do you think that she's good enough to continue here? I enquire." 

"Oh my God, are you kidding me," you forgot the millers account already, he question, ignoring my question." 

"Ian, I'm..." he took one look at my face expression, as he cuts me off." 

"Okay,, I'm sorry," yes I do believe that she should continue here, 'in fact' if you let her go, we both would regret it, she's brilliant he said grinning at me." 

"I ignore his grin, because I know what he was thinking." Really "I said smiling a little." 

"I'm telling you man, she's really, really, good at this business, he told me sounding amuse." 

"Well" coming from you, I have no choice but to hire her full time..." 

"Um... Chad that sounds great and all but there might be a problem there," he said cutting me off." 

"What are you saying? I asks puzzle. 

"First of all," she doesn't live here and secondly, she has a job already..." 

"I had to interrupt him there, because he was missing the whole point here." Yes that is true but...' he cuts me off again." 

"I knew it, I knew that there was a' BUT' coming he said shaking his head." 

"Just hear me out, will ya? I told him putting my hands up." 

"Okay, I'm listening he said." 

"I'll pay her more than her job is paying her now," even double it if that's what it will take." I'll find her a nice apartment here in the area..." 

"She doesn't strike me as someone who takes charity, so getting her a place..." 

"I know that she don't take charity, I said interrupting him." I'll find her an apartment that she can afford I said waiting for him to elaborate." 

"Well, um... money sure can make a big difference." I guess that we can try asking her, all she can say is no, right? 

"There's no room for 'No' Ian with someone this good, I told him as I stand from the chair." You want her here as much as I do...' let's make it happen I said seriously as I walk out the door without waiting for his reply."

"Yes Chad, I want her here." But I think that you need her here and it's not only for business." Ian said to himself." I've never seen Chad Craven this excited about a woman before." I like it he said smiling to himself, Judine girl you're very special to this company in more ways than you would ever know he whispers to himself."

(Thank you for reading my story." Please don't forget to hit the vote button if you like it)

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