Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 

"Chad's office was way bigger than Ian's." half of his office wall was light tinted glass; he even has a couch where one could sleep on." There was a long table with six chairs, and there was a board on the wall with writing on it, in different colors." It looks like a notice board." His desk was a big light brown wood one, with office supplies and one computer, and his chair was soft leather almost the same color as his desk." He has a couple of TVs hanging on the walls, and filing draws reaching the ceiling, and some framed pictures and certificates." But that was pretty much all the furniture that was in there." 

"Chad, Bobby and Ian, chat, while I look around his office, thinking to myself that he must hold a big position to have this nice big office, all to himself." Shortly after that, Ian and I head back downstairs." 

"Ian told me that I would be taking Bobby place, except that, Bobby has his own office a few doors down the hall from him."  

"At four o clock, Chad knocks at the door." 

"Enter, Ian said." 

"Hi, how's it going? He asks looking from me to Ian." 

"Great' I said sounding happy." But before he could say anything Ian answer his question." 

"As you can see, she's still here and she's willing to come back tomorrow too, he finish grinning at me." 

"Good, he said leaning on Ian's desk facing me." So how was the tour? He added. 

"Very amusing, I still feel like I'm on a movie set instead of in an 'Office' I said putting up my two fingers, when I say office." Which reminds me, why do you guys call this place "the office"' a mean' I was expecting a big size office space in a building, not a ten thousand square feet building, with a twenty four hours security guard, I said." 

"That's because it started out has an office, so the name just stick, Chad told me." 

"Oh" I said and added," We'd stopped by your office earlier, before Bobby told us that you were back, but you weren't there." 

"Oh' yeah" I had to run out for a while to meet some potential client, he said." 

"Was it the Millers? Ian asks sounding excited." 

"No" no, I'm not going to waste my time on them anymore, Chad said serious." I'm tired of their run around, let them do whatever they wants to do, or get back to me if they are still interested in the company doing business with them." 

"I have an idea, Ian said looking at me." Why don't we let my NA take a look at it and see what she can come up with he said eyeing me." 

"What's NA, I ask looking at both of them." 

"New assistance, Ian voice out." 

"That's not a bad idea, Chad cline in." 

"What's not a bad idea? I ask sounding curious." 

"We have this potential client who's been giving us the run around for the past six months now" and Chad just decided that he will not be giving them his precious time anymore." So I was thinking that maybe you could, he told me." 

"What do I need to do? I ask all business like." 

"Just come up with an ad that they would be approve of, Chad told me." 

"What's the product, or products, I said confident as if I've been doing this my old life." 

"Sun tan cream, Chad informed me." And we have had three different presentations with them already, and they didn't care much for what we came up with, he added." 

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