Story One Chad P.O.V

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"Chad cell rings shortly after he drove away. He looked at his phone, and he wonder if it was her calling him to come back;- to get the car after all. But it wasn't, it was Naomi. The girl he went out with last week.

"Hi, how are you, he asks coolly.

"Hi Chad, I'm doing well...' thank you for asking, she replies happily.

"Okay..., good to hear that he responded.

"So...' I've just arrived at JFK, I'm on my way to Miami and I'll be staying there until tomorrow morning. We'll be leaving at seven o' clock, back to New York. I was just wondering if you're in Florida today; and if we can do dinner later? She ask hopeful.

"Um...' dinner, wow, sounds tempting! but I have a few meetings today, and I'm afraid, I won't be able to make it, he told her certain.

"Oh...' that's a shame. I had enjoyed our time together, and I was looking forward to seeing you today, she said sounding really disappointed.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I'll try to make sure that next time you're in town, I'm free he said knowing it won't happen at all.  It's not that he doesn't like Naomi, it's just, he's not into committed relationships.  "All though" Naomi wouldn't make it difficult for him, with the kind of work that she does and her work schedule. She's a flight attendant who works a full time schedule flying from one city to the next. But he always makes sure whenever he goes out on a date, he never continues with the same person." Three times was his limit, otherwise they might want something permanent, and that's the one thing, he can't give these women that he dates.

"Okay, I look forward to that, she replies, sadly.

"Okay, hope that you'll enjoy your time off, he told her quickly.'

"Thanks Chad, call me if your plans change, she added, before they said goodbye.

"He end the call, and look to see where he was, he realize he was a few minutes away from his office. He enter the building waving hello to the people that he passes on his way to his office. He walk through the door, and closes it behind him. Work was the farthest thing from his mind at the moment," how can he concentrate on work after what had happen to him a few hours ago, he question himself.

He sat in his chair, as the whole morning activity replays back in his mind.

"He curses under his breath, when he realized he hit the car in front of him. Why did they stopped, the damn light was yellow. Luckily he wasn't going faster than 40 mph. he waited three minutes before he exit his car, wanting to make sure whoever was in the hit car was okay.

"He walk up to the car window slowly, while looking to see if there was any movement from inside. "He peeps through the passenger window before knocking on it. There was a woman sitting in the driver seat staring straight ahead. He knocks twice on the window; she turns her head and looked at him.

"He wanted to find out if she was okay, but she didn't answer him when he asks her. He knocks again, and this time she rolls down the window.

"Are you okay? He said loud enough, because she was playing music, but the look on her face, told him she was frighten.

"He didn't get an answer from her, so he walked around the front to her side of the car," as he kept his eyes on her. By the time he reaches her door, she open the door and step out. When he got close enough, he asks her if she was alright again, she said she thinks so," but before he could say anything else to her, she side step him as if he wasn't even standing there.

"All her attention was focus on the damages to her car.

"He tries to apologize to her for hitting her car, but when she open her mouth;" Her respond was pure irritation and she look at him with fire in her full brown eyes. The fiery was replaced quickly, when she looks closer at him with shock, or more like disbelieves in her eyes.  She was staring at him," knowing what she was thinking as she continues to stare at him, he started to say sorry again. because he didn't want to hear her voice out the words (Are you the actor) and made the mistake of asking her, why did she stop when the light was only yellow.  "And oh boy" she answers him with such authority. Her fiery tongue stopping him from saying anything else to her.

"He watched her, as she walk and check out the damages to both cars. He check her out unnoticeable. She's a beautiful woman.

"Height he was guessing!  five six, or maybe a little taller. because she's wearing winter boots with heels. Her clothes outline her body shape, and she has all the curves in the right place. The material of her clothing was stretchy, which show off her sexy figure.

"Long black legging tights that goes inside her boots and a dark green skin tight dress, which reaches her at mid thighs. Her breast was standing up in her chest, like the girls at a hooter's restaurant. She has a flat stomach, but her best feature, was her ass. It wasn't just a big butt;- 'No' it was just the right size for her body with dimples in the sides, which gives it a perfect look.

"He took his eyes from her sexy shape body, and focus on her face." She has the looks of one of those faces you see, on the front page of a magazine. High cheeks bone big brown eyes, which are beautiful. And the most kissable full lips he had ever seen. Her nose is straight as well as her face structure. She has black hair, with a short crew haircut style. He stood there glancing at her; she was one beautiful woman from head to toes.

"Now here he was sitting reminiscing about her. There was more than one thing stands out for him about her. But the main two were how quick she was to saying yes, to helping him out, when he asked her for a ride to the rental car company.

"The respond she gave him, blow him away mentally, and that's considering he had just bangs up her car and stopping her from reaching her destination. And also, he finds that he was fascinated about her imagination. He wants to hear more from her about ads commercials. He has never met anyone who talked about ads like it's the simplest thing to do in the world. I need to find out how good she is at what I do for a living, Chad told himself.

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