Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"I spent the rest of my work days, thinking about Chad's offer." Certainly I could use the money," especially with the bank threating to take my house from me any day now." I'm sure the extra cash would help me out big time." Maybe I could use it and pay toward my fifteen thousand dollars passed due balance on my mortgage," or contact the bank again and tell them that I have a part time job, and see if they'll allow me to pay a smaller amount on my mortgage." 'a mean' for three years I've been living in my house, I've never miss a payment until this bad economy," that just hit me eight months ago." 

"Everything happens all at the same time." 'First' my hours cut at work, from twelve hours, five days a week, to eight hours four days a week." And as if that wasn't bad enough, the home homers insurance went up, the taxes went up," and because I live in a flood zone area, I had to have flood insurance added." When I told them that I can't afford that, the bank said if I don't get it they will and they will add it to my mortgage," which they did." 

"So now I'm living from pay check to pay check." I try to get another job, but here way out in the west" jobs was hard to come by." The bank gave me two months to come up with their money, or else they're going to take my house." That was four months ago."  

"I'm still living here only by the grace of God." So this job would be a life saver," but I know nothing about the world of advertising and I can't give up my days off here either." because sometime the hospital calls me in," which is how I'm able to survives from the extra cash." 

"I've thought about Chad's job offer morning, noon, and night, since he told me on Saturday." It was now Monday my last day at work before my three days off." I told myself that I was going to try it." What's the worst that can happen," 'right' at least I can say that I've tried if it doesn't work out." 

"I called chad on my way home from work." We haven't spoken to each other since Saturday," and I'm thinking that's because he didn't wanna bother me at work, or he's giving me time to think about his offer." Either way I know that it was time to call him back." 

"Hi" what's up? I ask when he answers." 

"Hi" how's it going? I been waiting on your call he said cheerfully." 

"That's why I'm calling I said coolly." 

"That's great" so do you have an answer for me today, or not? 

"Yes I do," but I was thinking that, being as I'll be off for the next three days, I can come down there and we can discuss this job offer in person, I said calmly." 

"Yeah" sure, that sounds great, and Maxwell is almost finished with your car." Maybe by tomorrow or definitely the next day it should be ready, he told me." 

"Okay then, it set." I'll give my cousin a call and let her know that I'm coming down later tonight, I said sounding joyful." 

"Okay, just give me a call when you get here he told me, as we hang up." 

"I got to Fort Lauderdale, after eleven p.m. so I didn't bother calling Chad."

"I got up at seven in the morning, but I didn't wanna call him that early in the morning so I sat and wait for him to call me." 

He calls me some minutes after nine a. m. 

"Hi" are you in Fort Lauderdale? He asks me as soon as I greet him." 

"Yes" since last night, but it was too late to call you when I had arrived I told him, as I wonder why I feel like I need to explain myself as to why I didn't call him." 

"Okay, that's fine," Um...' well I'm having a big meeting at eleven this morning, and then I am going into the office for maybe an hours, or so," but after that we can meet up and talk, does that sound alright for you? He asks." 

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