Chapter 39

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Two dramatics things happen between Chad and I, after our crazy passionate secret sex in Alaska." 'First' Chad has changed his working schedule. He no longer runs the office," his new position is traveling to different states and countries, to market the business. I was told this position wasn't new for him," he had done it before; when the company had first started. He gave it up, when business picked up, and being as he was a computer expert, and excellence at making ads. He switches to running the office about a year and a half ago. Ian was now the top boss here," 'of course' when Chad is out of town. Plus he's still Ian's boss as well as everyone else here. 

"And secondly" 

"I have opened up and let him deep inside of my heart, where no one else was," he's so deep that I wouldn't be able to get him out.

"It has been two weeks now, since we came back from Alaska," and Chad had disappeared from the office. He came to work the next day after we've return, and that was it. I haven't seen him again, not that we haven't spoken" he called me every day and we talked about work as well as regular stuff, like we always do before our secret sex life.

"There were two new faces here, now that Chad's wasn't here. Carlette Payton, whom has replace Ian. she was an older woman, married with children. she was one of the traveling marketers," and Jarrett Sun, he was much older than Carlette, maybe in his early fifties," he's one of the executive from the Canada branch. They are both pleasant persons...' but they aren't Chad.

"Ian moves into Chad's office upstairs, not that Chad had totally abandoned his office to Ian. I was told they both were going to be sharing the space," and he pulls me along with him naturally. I refuse to ask Ian why the sudden change in position. I need to ask Chad face to face..." 'When will I get that chance' that's the big question here. I didn't have much time to dwell on the situation, cause Ian the computer genius that he is, and I work to finish the commercial, which we went to Alaska to do, but didn't finish because of the snow storm.

"Finally after two weeks Ian works his magic and we finished it in our schedule time frame. Which means that," Chad was due back here, by the end of the week for client meeting.

"My cell rings on my way home from work Thursday evening. I glimpse at the caller, and it was Chad. Huh...' he usually calls me later than now, I said to myself.

"Hey Chad..." 

"Hi J, still at work?  

"No" I just left, I'm on my way home now, I told him, as I wonder why he sounds so down. 

"How about you, when are you coming home? I ask calmly. 

"In a couple days he replies, in his soft tone.

"Okay" was all I said. 

"So, how are you...? Not working too hard, right? 

"Oh, Ian is killing me, I said jokingly. "Chad laughs" no' I'm good, just misses my best friend," if you happen to run into him, pass on the message for me, 'will ya' I said softy.

"I will, but I'm pretty sure he feels the same way too, he added. 

"That's good to hear, I responded more serious. 

"Okay, I'll call you later, or tomorrow, he said still sounding sad.

"I was one step away, from asking him why the sadness. But I let it go," I know Chad, if it was something he needs to share with me, he wouldn't hesitate to do so. We said our goodbyes and hang up."  

Chad calls me Friday, while I was still at work," to let me know, he was coming home tonight.  

"Good for you, I said "feeling a little too happy, about his change early return plans" for my liking. 

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