Chapter 35

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"To show my appreciation to Ian for letting me stay in the room," I had to repacked his stuffs, and follow him to his new room to unpack them again." I didn't mind though, because he did a nice thing by letting me take his place."

We arrive at his new room, which was a surprise to me, when I realize that it was on the same floor." We enter his room and it was not much different from Chad's." it was a little smaller, because it was meant for only a single person or a couple," it has one king size bed, but still has the same sitting area, with a couch, the same big TV, the bathroom was just a little smaller space wise, yes there was a Jacuzzi tub in the bathroom too," the view wasn't the same, I'm guessing because Chad's room was at the end of the building, while this room was more like in the middle, but nevertheless, it still has a better view than the room Shari and I share."

By the time I had finished unpacking Ian's stuffs, and repacking mine's, only to unpack them again, it was dinner time." Chad had finished his shower and was downstairs, when I got back to the room." I took my shower and head downstairs, telling myself that I need to find Shari, so that I can let her know I've moved out." I guess I took a little longer than expected to get ready, because when I got downstairs almost everyone from our crew was there, having dinner." I didn't need to look for a seat, as I enter the restaurant; Ian had already secured a seat for me beside him." 

"Hey," I said sitting down, where's Chad?  

"He's around here, somewhere, Ian said handing me a menu,"  

"Thanks, what's good here, I ask looking at the menu,"  

"Don't really know, I'm having the chicken pot pie," 

"Hmm, sounds good, but I was looking for something lighter than that I said, still checking out my choices."

"Judine, this is a ski resort, and its freezing outside, the only light food you're gonna get, is if you go make it yourself, he said looking at me and shaking his head."

"I'm not being picky, I was just saying that I didn't want a lot to eat right now Ian, that's all, it's nothing to worry your pretty little brain about", I told him." The waiter came over and asked me what I would like," I order chicken noodles soup and half a grill cheese and tomato sandwich."

After dinner I found Shari, and her friends, hanging out in the game room, which is where Chad was, playing pool." I went over to her and ask her if we can have a word." 

"Hey, what's up? She said sounding surprise,"  

"it's nothing really , just wanted you to know that, I'm moving up to the fourth floor," the view is much nicer up there, I said laughing a little," I just don't want you to think that, me moving out has anything to do with you," I finish saying to her." 

"Of course not...," why would I think that, we may not work side by side but I know that you're a nice person, honestly I wouldn't have took it personal, she said smiling." 

"Good, because it's not personal at all, it's just that I've seen the view from the top, and now I'm hook," 

"I'm pretty sure that I would be too if I were you, she said laughing," listen don't worry about it, I'm fine with you moving." 

"Great, although I have to say that you have been my first short term roommate," 

"Same here, She said," We said our goodnight, and that we will see each other around."

" Chad and Ian was into their manly crew playing pool, so I sat and watched, until I got tired," I went up to my room," it was after nine, when I got there," I got dressed for bed and lie down, as I turn on the TV." I didn't hear Chad come in, because sleep took over."

Passion of the Soul (formerly known as Love Has No Color)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora