Chapter 57 Unedited

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Two weeks after Gia and Giselle, thirteen birthday celebration party" I was still here in Jamaica. Chad, Staci-Ann and Saxon were in attendance celebrating with us, they left three days after. I should've been back in Fort Lauderdale at the office working right now, but instead I'm here hiding out from a man who has turned my world upside down and determine to making it worst.

(Not if I can help it) 

Evan has been calling me non-stop, since he left Italy. His calls increase from once a week to three times a day. Whenever he calls me on my cell and doesn't get an answer, he calls my office. Neymar always have a bunch of messages from Evan waiting for me. 

It's not that I'm ignoring Evan all together," I've answers some of his calls. And it is always the same conversation over and over again. (When are you going to let the girls know about me?)

The truth is," I have no intention of letting them know anytime soon. I knew what I was doing when I decided to have my children. I wanted it just the way it is now" to be the only one who makes life decisions for them. Sure I've discussed my decisions with Chad, but he knows I have the final say in everything concerning Gia and Giselle. Evan and I are not a couple, never had been, and raising my children in a broken home is one thing I'd vowed not to do. For this very reason, I've chosen to get a donor. And I would very much like it to remained that way..."he's just the sperm donor" plain and simple.

I've thought about explaining this to Evan, but judging by the way he acted in Italy, I doubt very much" he'll see it from my point of view. So instead I just have to hope and pray that he stays busy at his job, and continue accepting my excuses. I'm staying here in Jamaica, because I don't want Evan to show up in Fort Lauderdale at my office unannounced. He has a tendency of showing up when you lease expecting him to..."Chad drops by whenever he feels like it, the last thing I want, is for Evan to show up when Chad's there.   

It's better if he showed up here in Jamaica, I can handle him, I'll reason with him, just like I did back in Italy and just like I'm doing on the phone with him. I'd ask the girls not to call Evan anymore, because I don't trust him to keep his part of the deal, "not to tell the girls who he is to them"- it wasn't easy convincing them why I'd asked this of them. Nevertheless they listen to me" not without a storm of questions of course.

I'd told them Evan is a big celebrity who's always in the public eyes, and they're people out there who loves him" just as much as hates him. And as a celebrity he's constantly in danger of his life, that's why he always has so many security people surround him all at once. I'd explained to them, that most of the time these hateful fans target the people whom are closest to him, if they can't get to him directly. 

They didn't like that they were losing their celebrity friend so soon after just getting to know him, but they've seem a lot of crazies stories about hateful fans on TV enough to believe me.

I woke up at five forty Thursday morning; look out my bedroom window, only to see the rain pouring down.

"No walking for me this morning," good thing I have a home gym. I love to walk down to the beach before the sun rise every morning. Today I was unable to do this. I went into the bathroom, wash up a little and head to the kitchen, for my cup of mint tea.

I sat at the breakfast table and sip my tea, as I watch the rain fall. I love the rain, the sound of it on the rooftop, is music to my ears.  By the time I finish my cup of tea, it was six thirty already. Making my way back to my bedroom, got dressed in my workout clothes; I was in the gym by six fifty.

I've decided to run on the treadmill first, turning on the flat screen TV and putting the channel on one of the many working out programs, they have on only this early in the mornings. Looking out the large glass sliding door, which leads out to the back patio" the rain was coming down much harder now. Not really watching the TV. But just listening to the music I picked up on my speed.

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