Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

At eight o'clock the next morning my cell rings." Lucky for me, I'm a morning person; I was up and watching TV" 

"Hi, I said when I see that it was Chad's number. 

"Hi, I'm not stalking you or anything like that, (I'll be the judge of that, I said in my head", as I listen to him.") I'm just calling to tell you that, I can take you to your appointment and back before I go to work, so..." 

"Chad that's very thoughtful of you and all, but I have my cousin's car, I said coolly." 

"Okay...' but if I take you, you won't drive out her gas," 

"You have a point there, but she won't mind..."he cuts me off" 

"Look," J" I don't..." 

"J"! I said to him. 

"Oh, sorry," I meant Judine." Please I'm riding on a guilty trip here, and I wouldn't be bothering you, if only you had let me rent you a car..." 

"Alright Chad, if it will makes you feel less guilty," I'll let you take me there." clearly I see that you will not take" no," for an answer, I said." 

"Thank you, that's all I asks, what time should I pick you up? 

"You mean", you're not outside my door? I'm shocked I said jokingly to him." 

"I was, but then I left, I didn't want to scared you, he reply laughing" 

"You're a funny guy, mister Chad..." Craven he said."  

"Your last name is Craven? I asked." 

"Yeah", why? 

"No reason, I just thought that it would be walker or something like that, I said laughing." 

"Ha, ha, funny, I don't even know the guy; he said referring to his resemblance to Paul Walker." 

"Yeah", I'll take your word for it, anyway you can picked me up at ten after nine, because my doctor's office isn't too far from here, I ended." 

"My doctor's appointment lasted twenty minutes." I walked out into the waiting room, half expecting not to see Chad there, but he was there." On his cell, he looked up at me, as he mouth ready to me, I nodded my head yes." 

"Once we were outside he finished his phone call, and asks me if I would like to grab something to eat, before he drops me off." I thought about it, but decided that, if I say no he'll just find some reason why I should go with him." I would love to I said smiling." 

"We end up at a Denny's," he orders eggs, a toast bagel, and coffee." I order egg white, with cheese and spinach omelet, with a cup of mint tea." Breakfast conversation was more commercials quizzes," I had to ask him, why he was so interested, in what I thought a commercial ad should sounds like or looked like." And that's when he confesses to me that he was fascinated with my imagination." 

"After a few more minutes talking about my imagination and ads, we left the restaurant." This time I let him take me to the renter car company." He rented me a ford focus; I had to fight with him, not to rent something more expensive." He said that he wanted me to feel happy and comfortable." I told him that I was with the focus, just to get him to drop the subject." Personally I didn't care about what car he had rented, all I care about was that I have a car to drive to work, because I can't afford to miss any day." 

"After saying thanks and goodbye to Chad, I head back to my cousin's house." I didn't even bother staying until Thursday, like I had planned." I just got my bag and hit the I75." 

"There was no music playing for my enjoyment journey back home," it was replace by mister Chad." I didn't know what to make or think of him." One thing I was sure of, there was nothing sexual with him toward me, I'm sure of this because he never looks at me with his dark glasses off, and he hardly smiles." And he definitely didn't flirt with me either, which most guys do whenever, they are interested in me." 

"He's a hard person to read," one minute he's being friendly, cracking jokes, and then the next, he's serious." I thought about everything that had happen, between us, since the accident yesterday." But all I can come up with is, either he really speaks the truth when he said that he felt bad for hitting my car, or he's a con man who can really act the part of a good guy." But why would he wants to con me, clearly he can see that I don't have money," (or that's his game plan, to be nice, then move right in for the kill) that's crazy thinking...' even if I believe that scenario," why would he tells me about his job, and even like it when I come up with ideas about making ads." Like I said he's a hard one to read."

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