Chapter 43

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"Chad belief now more than ever in the family cursed." After everything that his brother had gone through; not to mention his mom. He vowed never to have anything to do with the money from his family business. He study hard in his last year of high school. And being as,  he was an honor student since he was in junior high, it didn't take too much out of him to finished high school at the top.

"Every well-known college and university in the country accepted his applications. His test scores was the best his high school ever had. He was given full scholarship to any college or University of his choice. He chooses Stanford for a couple of reason. (1) his father wanted him to go to Harvard. (2) Moving to California would distance him from his father.

"Ty accompany him and help him get settle in California. Ty told him that their dad is very upset with Chad for choosing Stanford instead of Harvard and also mention to Ty how he was very disappointed in Chad's school choice. But Ty agreed with Chad," they were cursed for their lifetime and if Chad can escape some of the pain and sorrow then he should do it at all cost.

"Chad never falls in love again since Nadine, but he had dated in University. And of course; he too meet the same fate has Ty with relationships. It doesn't matter what he did. Not one of the women he dated was happily in love with him. It started out that way;-but ended badly.

"The love between him and his brother grow stronger, while his relationship with his father become more and more distance. Ty went back to running his business as he tries to heal his wounds. But there was always that evil hanging over their shoulders.

"Chad got started on his quest to make his life's journey on his own, without the help of his family evil money. He was working hard in school toward his career" because if there was one thing he's certain about in his life; is that he didn't want any more help from his dad. He made a vowed he will not accept any more of his family evil money, it doesn't matter if he would be penniless until he finishes school and get a job.

"Ty on the other hand was living it up. he found out that if he just keep dating and don't fall in love again" then he won't hurt anyone and they won't hurt him. But that mindset didn't last long for Ty. He was a very handsome guy, not to mention he was rich and young too. He caught the eyes of the stunning gorgeous International super model Kamoy Lakes." 

"They met in Miami at a night club after party for one of Ty's wealthy entrepreneur friend, and felt the attraction to each other instantly. They have been inseparably for the past year and six months. Their relationship becomes public when she enters the Miss Universe pageant and was the second runner up to the crown.

"She had the worse personality out of all the meaningful relationships Ty ever had, in Chad's opinion." Kamoy was one of those people you just can't take your eyes off of the first time you see her face to face. And she was aware of her beauty, and the effect she has on people associated with her. And also" that's why she was so popular in the modeling industries" beauty was like her first name. she was beautiful all over," long legs beautiful face structures and a body to die for. But her whole aura when she wasn't in public was horrible.

"She has an entourage around her constantly to do everything for her, and she treats each and every one of those people badly. She was bitchy, selfish, and unmannerly towards everyone including Ty. She hates Chad because he had voice out his opinion of her to her face. Chad keep clear of her whenever he visit his brother in Miami. He had asked Ty why he love such an uncaring person, Ty answer was:-  it wasn't love" but distraction for him.

"It took a while before Chad found out the real reason why his brother was so hooked to this woman, but it was too late to help Ty, he was in too deep. And not even Chad could help him this time. Ty was an addict and it was his gorgeous companion who had introduces him to this lifestyle. It started out as pills for sleeping, pills for staying up later than usual, pills for not eating properly, pills for energy to get you through the day and so on. Ty was popping little different colors pills for everything, just like Kamoy was doing.

Passion of the Soul (formerly known as Love Has No Color)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora