Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 

"By the time I was fully awake, it was after nine a.m. I stretch a little before I got up and walk over to the window and draw the blinds to shine some light into the living room." There was no sunshine this morning" the weather was the same forecast has my mood." 'Dark and cloudy with ninety, nine percent chance of rain'

"I slowly make my way into the kitchen and turn on the kettle." After making myself a cup of mint tea, I sat on the couch and sip my tea." The hot liquid feels good going down into my empty stomach." I sat there long after I finish my tea, as I wonder if my real estate lawyer can give me some advice and what to do about the bank's new strategy to put me out of my home."

I grab my cell and stroll down until I find his name." 

"Hi, Mr. Cain its Jud..." 

"Hi, how are you, miss Hills, he ask cutting me off." 

"Honestly, I'm not doing so good sir, I said and sounding as bad also." 

"Mmm, still in your home, he asked." 

"Um, that's why I'm calling you sir," 

"Okay" what's going on now, he said in that interesting business tone." 

"A few stuff actually; do you have time to talk now? I ask knowing that he's always busy." 

"Yes, just a few minutes, he replies laughing." 

"Okay, I'll make it short." I'm still in my home, I said answering his question" but yesterday the bank left me a final notices on my door, giving me one week to evacuate or they'll call in the law to throw me out, I ended." 

"Oh dear" when was the last notices? 

"About four months ago, I told him." 

"Huh," so you've been living there on borrowed time, he said sounding curious." 

"I guess so," but I wanted to ask you if there's anything that I can do to get more time." I said hopeful" because now I'm making more money than I was before from my new job."

"How long ago since you've started this new job? He asks."

"I just started this past Tuesday," and I haven't get a pay check as yet." But it pays well, I added quickly, plus I'm still working at the hospital." and I know that with both jobs I can easily make my monthly payment and pay toward my past due bill, I told him hopeful."

"Sounds like you're just starting to get back on your feet again; he said but didn't stop there for me to comment," As he continues." It's a pity that you didn't start this job before they gave you that final notice he said regretfully." Truthfully my dear, you will be wasting your money by trying to fight the bank in court." you'll end up losing to them eventually."

"In my experience there's no judge that will be on your side if you go to court now." The judge will tell you that you have ignored the bank for, far too long." And the bank will not accepted anything less than full payment of your past balance and strong prove that you can pay your mortgage on time." Their argument will be that they have given you enough time already, and you have ignored them." so now they're taking severe action, because they have not heard from you in over four months he ended sadly."

"I understand, I just wish that I have more time, I reply sadly." There was silence on the line for a few seconds." 

"When did you say that you got that notices, he ask in that tone, as if he was thinking hard." 

"I found it on my door when I got home yesterday, I told him." 

"Well, by law they can't put you out of your home until they served you that notices in person, he told me sounding cheerful."  


"Yes" all you have to do, is make sure that they don't give you that notice in person..." 

"So what should I do? I inquire eagerly." 

"My advice would be that you lock all your doors and windows, close up any space that they can stay from the outside and see if anyone is inside when you're home." Put back the notice on the door in the same spot that you've found it, and always park your car in the garage, he ended." 

"Okay, that's doable, I said as I feel my spirits being lifted." 

"If you do decide to keep your home," keep all updated documents 'you know' like pay subs bank statements etc. and don't hesitate to call me anytime." 

"Thank you so much Mr. Cain," how much I owe you for your service, I ask thankful that I'd called him." 

"All I gave you my dear, was some advice, which is free always." My only requirement is that you mention my services to anyone who might need them, that's payment enough for me, he said calmly." 

"I most definitely will, thank you again I said with a smile on my face." 

"You're welcome anytime my dear." 

"We said our goodbye and hang up." and I thought to myself...' Just when the gate of hell is closing with me in there, God reaches out his hand and grabs me," I walk over to my windows and shut the blinds." I also double check to make sure that my doors were locked." 

Sitting back on the couch I mute the TV." I was now riding high with my new found spirit" I strip all my clothes off and walk into my bathroom." The warn water was heavenly, I took the longest shower that I've ever taken in a long time." 

"I turn the water off finally, and I wrap the towel around me thinking to myself that I should really go to the hospital and help out today." If for nothing else, but to show God how grateful I am to him" Just for taking the time to smile down on me once again" But after checking the time, I notice that it was way after eleven now. With a promise to him, I said that I will do my very best on Saturday." 

"I spend most of the day lock up in my home soundless" and working on the ads that Ian gave me." I got stuck a few times, but I bypass it, which was a headache, simple because I couldn't call Ian for help." It would mean that I would have to explain to him, why I wasn't at work." As much as I like him, I wasn't about to explain my life crises to a total stranger." So I did my best busting my brain" as I tell myself that I'll wait until three o clock when I know that it was safe to call him." 

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