Chapter 36

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"I must have been asleep for no more than two, or two and half hours, before I wake up freezing." I look over to Chad's bed and notice that he was wrapped up and sleeping," I started to moving every two minutes from side to side trying to get warm." After about ten minutes or so, I couldn't take the cold anymore." I got up and check the linen closet for more sheets, I found one," I also put on a pair of socks." But the whole room was so cold, that the extra sheet and socks only gives warmness for only a few minutes."

I started to move again, but still couldn't get warm," 

"J", are you okay? Chad asks me, not sounding like he was sleeping."

"Hey, sorry that I've wake you up, but I'm freezing and it doesn't matter what I do, I can't get warm, I told him sounding annoyed." 

"you didn't wake me up," I can't sleep either," 


"It's nothing, I just can't sleep." 

"Aren't you cold? 

"Yes", but its bearable, he reply."

"Well," it's unbearable for me, I can't sleep when I'm freezing like this, I said and I know that he could hear it in the tone of my voice." 

"Maybe there are some more sheets that you can use in the closet, he said." 

"I got it already, and it's no use," I'm still cold." 

"Let me check the heater and see why it's so cold inside here, he told me getting out of bed."  

"Wow, that's not good," 

"What's not good, I said getting out of bed too, and sorry that I did," as soon as I feel the coldness." 

"The heater isn't working," he said surprise." 

"That's why it's so damn cold in here," I said now annoy at the heater." 

"Well," it's too late to call management to fix it now," he said still checking it out." 

"Yeah, I said noting that the time was, after one a.m. in the morning." 

I couldn't tell if it was still snowing outside, but the winds were still kicking up a roar out there, "from the sound of it."

"Well," looks like we're going to have to keep ourselves warm until morning," he said walking back over to his bed, but didn't get in it."

"And how do you suppose I do that," I said but didn't wait for him to answer me, as I continues," you said that this is bearable for you," but I can't stand this cold," and if you think I'm fussing now," you won't want to be around me, tomorrow if I don't get any sleep, I told him firmly."  

"Um, there's only one option that we can do to keep ourselves warm..." 

"Tell me, I said cutting him off, because at this point in time," I'm willing to do anything." 

"So what are we supposed to do? I ask him." 

"Body heat, he said looking at me unsure." 

"I grin, at him," I'm down with that," heck," I'll do whatever it takes to get warm, I said still grinning." 

"My bed," or yours? He asks moving his eye brows up and down, "as he smirks at me." 

"Yours, because I'm guessing that it's warmer than mines," I answer," as I pull all the sheets from off my bed and hopped on his bed." 

"Gosh, Chad its cold, I shout out rolling all over his bed, trying to find a warm spot." 

"I told you that I was cold, he said joining me in his bed." 

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