Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"The work week went by quickly for me," I guess it's because I was looking forward to start my new job on Tuesday at Chad's place." 

" Even the deaths that we had at the hospital didn't affect me so bad this time, not that I'm saying that it was okay," no far from that." it's just that I usually get low down spiritually." But my spirit has been lifted ever since I've accepted the job from Chad." 'Even though' I don't want to get ahead of myself here, because I'm still nervous about this job" if it works out it will definitely brighten my future a lot." Considering that the three days will pay me more than I'm making at the hospital."

"On Sunday night Chad calls me at some minutes after eight." But I was still at work doing over time, so he left me a message." "Saying that they were back and he didn't call me earlier because he didn't want to disturb me at work." I call him back while I was driving home from work" it was after nine the phone rings but he didn't answer, so I just left him a message that I've gotten his message and I had worked late, but I'll call him on Monday evening before I leave here."

"It was Monday nine twenty pm. and I was told that I would be release at ten pm. has I rush to finish my last bed bath." 'of course' just when I get another job, I started to get over time hours" how ironic it is." At ten o clock I got the green light to go," I quickly dial Chad's number, and hope that I wasn't calling him too late at night." But I am supposed to meet him at the hotel where I'll be staying for the next three days" so it is Vidal that I call him to informed him that I won't be coming down until in the early morning hours." 

"Hey Chad," I said when he greets me." 

"Hi" sounds like you had a long day and night he said easily." 

"Yes, it's one of those days when two people called in that they can't make it to work, I explain to him." 

"Okay" did the renter car company called you earlier today? He asks concern in his voice." 

"Yes" it's my fault I couldn't leave work in time to get the car, I inform him." I'll just drive my car for this week." Next week we'll start the rental car, I added." 

"Oh' okay "so you won't be too tired for tomorrow? He asks unsure." 

"No" I won't be, I'm going to get some sleep now" so that I'll be rested for my drive down in the morning, I assured him." 

"What time will you be here about? 

"Um..., well" I'll be leaving here about five a.m. so around seven or so I told him." 

"Okay" but you don't need to be here that early if it's going to be a problem, because we can go to the office at ten, he told me all business like." 

"No, it won't be a problem, besides I'm so use to getting up early in the morning" that I will be awake anyway." 

"Okay great, I'll meet you at the hotel by seven then." If anything changes by then call me, okay? He said." 

"Yeah" sure, good night I told him sounding tired and sleepy." 

"Good night, he replies as if he didn't wanna get off the phone." 

"At six forty a.m. I took the 595 east exit heading toward I95 south." Chad had text me the hotel address which was in Miami, a seven minutes' drive from the office, he told me." The drive on 95 wasn't has crowded as I thought it would be." I got to my exit ten minutes before seven" I notice that it was two exits before the Miami International Airport." 

I was staying at a Hilton suites hotel in Miami." I called Chad as soon as I exit the 95." 

"Hey, I'm two minutes away from the hotel, I told him after he greets me." 

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