Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"I was so busy working on slogans trying to come up with something different for the Millers account." I didn't realize that it was half pass five pm. thanks to the ringing of my cell phone." I didn't have to look at the caller to know that it was Ian." 

"Hey, Ian..." 

"I didn't catch you at a bad time, did I? He asks cutting me off." 

"No, no I'm home I said quickly before he ask me about the hospital. " 

"Did you get a chance to work on any of the ads? 

"Yes" in fact that's what I'm doing at this moment, I said sounding preoccupied." 

"Oh okay, so you got it under control he said..." 

"Actually, I do need your help on something, hold on a sec... just let me back up here to the last page, I said using my mouse." 

"Why don't I log in and see what you're working on he said." 

"Okay, I said thinking to myself that he was definitely going to notice that I am way ahead." 'Oh well' a minute later Ian was log on and moving his little arrow around on the face of my monitor." 'Cool'

"I told him what my problem was and we play around with different ideas and graphic drawing." If he had notice that I was ahead, he didn't mention it." He asks me about the other two ads that he gave me." I told him that they are much easier for me to work on, but if I need help I'll be sure to notify him."

"Okay so are you back on track now with the Millers ad, he asks, after about an hour of helping me." 

"No, not really, I'm still not liking what we've came up with, I said in my business tone." I need to see the product first," 'you know' like smell it, sample it, and see what the container looks like..." 

"You want samples? He asks disbelieving."

"No, no Ian," I'm just saying that it would be nice to have some knowledge of the product that I'm trying to get the world to notice and buy." 'a mean' how do you expects me to come up with a good enough commercial, when I don't even know what the product looks like, I finally said in that same business tone." 

"Wow" Chad was right, you're too good to pass up, he was saying..." 

"When did he say that? I ask curious." 

"Let's stay on track here, he said ignoring my question." I've never met anyone in the advertising who takes such interest in the products he said sounding amuse." 

"Ha... and to think that I'm the assistance, I said joking." 

"Don't let my complement get to your pretty little head, he fires back at me laughing." 

"Okay Ian keep your panties on," let's continues, I just need to know the most valuable points about this product so that I can write my slogan." 

"Don't get me wrong, I'm with you on knowing the products and testing them out first." I'm just surprise that for someone who doesn't know or worked in the advertising business before, you sure are passionate about it." Girl you're good he said disbelieving." 

"Oh did Chad forget to mention that I put my heart into my work, I said joking." 

"No, he did not and..."  

" enough praise," at least wait until we get the account first, I said laughing."

"We worked for a few more hours and on the other two ads too" which was a chewable vitamin for children and the other one was an energy protein bar." I told him that I was going to take a break, we say goodbye and promise to pick up from where we stopped," tomorrow after work from the hospital."  

"For the next two weeks" I went to work at the hospital from Friday to Monday and then to Fort Lauderdale to the office." The renter car company would drop off the rental car on Monday evening between six pm. and seven pm. so I didn't have to drive my car and put all that mileages on it."

"Chad insisted on renting me a Lexus IS-250, I didn't bother fussing with him about the cost." And I must say that the car was selling it-self to me slowly." and not to mention that Ian seen to think that, it was more my style." Chad also makes sure that I stay in the same exact room at the hotel," which I though was very considerate of him."  

"Chad was right when he said that I will be spending most of my time with Ian." I hardly ever see him at the office 'sure he pops in and out of Ian office' but it was always to drop files off or let us know about upcoming meetings. 'Ian 'Mr. Assumption' 'thinks that Chad comes by his office so that he can see me, and of course I brush off his ridiculous assumptions." As I reminded him that Chad has a girlfriend." 

"I barricade myself inside my home whenever I come home from work." TV without sounds...' blinds close and doors locked as if no one was home or has set foot inside for weeks now." I even left my mails in the mailbox on purpose just to show them that I wasn't home at all." Whether it works or not, I really don't know" one thing was for sure." The notice was still on my door and I haven't gotten anymore, and I am still in my house." 

( But I know that the clock was ticking and I do need to find somewhere to live," the sooner the better.") 

"The millers account went rather well," Ian and I worked on it three day straight and after we were finish Chad and the other executives look it over, 'liked it' and present it to the Millers and they loves it."

"I was more than happy with the outcome." 'In fact' I was beyond myself" 'although' I still can't praise myself for doing such a great job on the commercial." Ian was happy", but Chad! He was proud." Proud that I didn't prove him wrong by insisting on me coming to work with them."

"I was even talked into appearing in the commercial" by none other than Ian." And Chad surprises me when he agreed with him that I would be great for the commercial."(I was going to be using the suntan lotion on the beach, as the men and women would be drawn to my scent." While at the other end of the beach, there was this gorgeous male model that would be using the same suntan cream and like an angel he appears by my side and the rest is history )of course there's a little more setting to the whole ad, but that was my part basically."  

"The Millers love everything about the ad they said that it's very different than the everyday one's and they sign the one year contract for one hundred thousand dollars." Ian thought I should know the importance of the amount." 

(Thank you for reading my story." Please don't forget to hit the vote button if you like it)

Passion of the Soul (formerly known as Love Has No Color)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن