Chapter 22

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"The ringing of my phone woke me up, I check the time, and it was after nine a.m. I look to see who was calling me." 

"Hey Ian, what's up? I said sounding sleepy." 

"You sound like you're still sick," I was just calling to check up on you love, he ended." 

"Um...' I'm doing much better, I'll probably be in sometime today... he cuts me off." 

"No, take the day off, you can come in tomorrow if you're up to it, he said quickly." 

"Why do I get the feeling that, you're not telling me something, I said suspicious?" 

"Okay, Chad told me to make sure that you don't come in today, and that if you do I should sent you back home to rest, he said all in one breath." 

"Oh really, did... he, now, I said feeling the anger coming on, and what else did he tell you Ian? I ask under my breath." 

"Nothing, just that he talked to you before he came to work this morning, and you sound better, but believes that you need more time to get over your cold." 

"I didn't say anything." 

"Hey, are you still there, Ian said into the phone." 

"Yeah, I'm still here, I said calmer." Okay Ian you can tell him that, I've got his message." I'll see you tomorrow." 

"Are you okay? With the cold I'm talking about he added quickly." 

"Yes, thanks for asking, I said." 

"Okay love, remember, I'm only a phone call away, he said kindly." 

"Yeah, I know, thanks, I'll talk to you later." We said goodbye." 

(So he didn't mention to Ian that he spent the night here, I said to myself.) 

"I'll find out why, later when I call him." 

"I didn't call Chad, and he didn't call me." I wonder if he got into trouble with his girlfriend for staying out all night." I return to work the next day, and Chad was missing in action." I didn't see him all day." Not being able to talk to Ian about Chad being at my house, and staying overnight," only put me into an awkward position." 

I was edgy throughout the day." Each time the office phone rings, my heartbeats picks up." Ian kept repeating his self to me, more than he likes, he told me." What can I say, the flu left me unfocused, I said to him, just to get him off my back."  

"After work Ian took me out to dinner." He said that he wanted to make up, for the way he had treated me, because I had the flu." Half way through the dinner, my cell phone rings." 

"Hi J, how are you feeling? Chad asks me." 

"I'm doing much better, thank you for asking, I reply all business like." 

"Oh okay, that's great, he said." 

"There was silence on the phone." I was so grateful that the waiter had stopped by to see how we were doing" and Ian attention was with him." 

"Are you at home? He asks after a few more seconds of silence." 

"No, not at this moment, I answer in the same tone." He must have realized that I wasn't alone." 

"Okay, I'll call you later, he said unsure." 

"Okay, I said, changing my tone, because Ian was being his inquisitive self again." 

"Everything okay, he asks watching my reaction." 

"Yeah, that was just Chad, checking to see how I made out at work today," I said easy." 

Passion of the Soul (formerly known as Love Has No Color)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara