Chapter 41

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"Chad had a long sleepless and restless night...'but he was up and ready when Ty knock on his door at six a.m.

"Hey, still coming....'Ty stop when he notice Chad was already ready. Couldn't sleep either? He asks.

"Chad nod his head yes. Are we leaving now? He inquires. 

"Yeah, I want to beat the heavy traffic, plus the sooner I get this over with; he stop because he was getting emotional again, and as much as he was trying to be brave about the whole situation, Chad could see he was trying to be strong for both of them, but failing badly.

"The drive to New Jersey was nerve-racking. Because Chad was only seventeen, Ty had to call the school and make up a story why Chad wasn't able to make it to school today." Whatever is was Ty told them, they accepted it without any farther question.

"Chad wanted to ask Ty so many questions...' especially about this cursed. But he didn't asked any questions like he had plan on doing. He was here to support his brother, the questions and answers can wait until later, he told himself, as they both were quiet for the ride to New Jersey.

"They found a walk-in clinic in the heart of the suburb. The whole neighborhood was run down; they were some homeless peoples lying down on the street corner sleeping" a couple were digging into, over full trash bins looking for food. 

"Chad had never seen anything like this up-close and personal, he looks away. They were both dress like street kids, who looks as if they didn't have anyone to care for them...'in truth' they really didn't in a meaningful kind of way.

"Ty park the car in a gas station parking lot, two blocks away from the clinic, and told Chad to stay in the car. But Chad refuse, not only because he was a little scared of the area; but he wanted to be by his brother side when he get the result from his test. After he explains this to Ty, they both walked the couple blocks to the clinic.

"The building was on the corner of the block, it didn't look so bad from the outside, just need a paint job. When they enter the building the inside was surprisingly larger than it looked from the outside.  It was like entering a driver's license office. The chairs were lining up row by row in the center of the larger waiting room; same setting with five windows opens to help anyone who walks in. 

"There was no one standing at any of the open windows...'but Ty didn't go straight to the window. He sat down as if he wasn't here to be seen by the doctor. The room only has a few people sitting throughout the whole waiting room, and they all seen as if they were already been assisted.  

"You okay Ty, Chad asks concern.

"Hey...I'm just...' I just need to gather my thoughts a little, he said nervously.

"It's okay, we're here, let's just get it over with, Chad said encouraging him. 

"Yeah, he said and walks up to one of the windows. Chad followed him, and listen as he told the teller why he was here. They gave him paper work to fill out and a number, and ask him to take a seat until his number was call. They went back to their seat, but Ty wasn't filling out the paper work. 

"Ty you need to fill this out before they can see you, Chad said pointing to the clip board in his brother's hand. 

"I know he replies, as his voice sounds nervous. He pick up the attach pen in his right hand and start reading the first page, but his hands were both shaking. What surprises Chad...'was the fact that Ty was unaware of the shaking, he look at Ty and there were sweats on his forehead.

"Hey Ty...' let me fill it out for you, he said taking the clip board from his shaking hand. At that moment it seems as if Ty just notice Chad was sitting beside him.

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