Chapter 25

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"It was almost ten thirty pm, when we reached Chad's home." he pulls into the garage and closes it." We took our helmets off." 

"Should I leave this here, or take it home? I ask, because I didn't want his girlfriend to see it, and question him about it." 

"Yeah sure, you can leave it here"...unless you're planning to buy a motorcycle, he said looking at me." 

"I am, but not in the near future." I need to buy my car first, I said." 

"Oh...' when are you planning to go buy your car? He asks interesting." 

"Why? Do you have somewhere in mind that I should go? I inquire."  

"I might...' plus you will need a guy's input when you go car shopping he said manly." 

"Oh...really, says which rules? I said edgy."  

"It's not a rule J." it's a fact...' 

"Chad, I started to say...' but he puts his hands up signaling that he's backing down." 

"I forget who I'm talking to, he said. But if you need any company when you're going to buy it, I'll be delighted to go with you, he finish." 

"That's much better, I'll keep that in mind, I said walking beside him, as we enter his home." 

"You can spend the night here, if you want to, he offers." 

"Really" I said... 

"J, we're friends, it fine..." 

"I'll take you up on your offer because' I am too lazy and feeling tired to make the drive back to Hallandale beach now, I told gratefully."  

I'll show you to my guest room, he said walking a head of me." 

"But I don't have any clothes to change into, I said catching up to him." 

"I might be able to find something that you can sleep into, he replies, still walking." 

(Oh God, not his girlfriend's clothes, I said in my head." That would just be wrong...) 

"J...J, you okay, he said looking at me." 

"Yes' I said noticing that he had reach the room." 

"We enter a big room; the same size as my master bedroom at the condo." There was a queen size bed with a bronze headboard." No side tables and no dresser." The brown sheet neatly spread on the bed, which looks clean and new, judging by the straight line that was still in them." Two full size pillows were the only things lying on there." No TV, no relaxing sofa...' 

"I'll check to see if Tessa left any towel and wash cloth in here; that you can use if you need to, Chad said heading into the adjoining bathroom, with me following suit." 

(Tessa...'that must be his girlfriend's name, I said in my head) 

The bathroom was a descent size, no tub, just a long tile shower with glass door. The counter top has his/her face basins." The counter top was done in the same tile has the shower. "Half white" I could tell that it hasn't been used. 

"Here we go; towels if you need them" Chad said opening a linen closet with white towels and washcloths."  

"Great, thanks...' I sure would love to take a shower, I said." 

"Sure, I'll go find you some clothes, he said walking out." 

I stayed inside the room until he returns with the clothes." I was sitting on the bed when he reenters the room." 

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