Chapter 53 Unedited

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                                             (Dedicated to: jahisgreat)

(A/N; this chapter is unedited, I rushingly post it because it has been a few months since I haven't update. so for you wonderful readers; please try and understand if you come across any mis-spellings or mistake.) The picture is Rick's Café Negril Jamaica.

         Saxon and Staci-Ann make me laugh" I've never seen two people more in love with each other and argue so often with one another. I can tell this is one of their jealous arguments too" (Being around them for more than a week now) and judging by the look on Staci-Ann face. It was hard for me to hear what she was saying to Saxon. I was sitting on one of the beach soft padded chair by the pool looking out at the beautiful white sandy beach. They are about a thirty feet walk from where I'm sitting. Staci-Ann voice shouting the louder of the two through the slight breeze," while using her finger as her weapon poking it onto Saxon bare chest. 

Saxon trying everything in his power to calm her down, as water drips from his bathing short after reaching her. He had just run out of the water stopping Staci-Ann from getting away from him. He put his arms around her waist and pulling her toward the water. Staci-Ann fights him off, and at the same time walking without fewer struggles. Trying to put up some resistance" showing Saxon she wasn't giving in so easily. I let my eyes wonder around the open sea water, looking for any evident that would have started their heated argument. Three young girls paying more attention to Saxon and Staci-Ann, than enjoying the water" gave me my answer.  

With their feet almost into the water, Saxon drop his arms from around her waist and bend and pick her up, bridal style. He then places her in front of him lowering them into the water, and kisses her for a few seconds, before pulling his lips away from hers. I could see them still disputing their argument, as Staci-Ann seems to be listening to him this time.  

We are vacationing in Sandals Negril beach & Spa Resort, in Jamaica. A two weeks' vacation which wasn't plan...' nether by me or Staci-Ann" 'apparently' Saxon did something to piss Staci-Ann off. Most people accept flowers or jewels, even candy, and an apology then call it a day. But not my cousin" she never tell me what it was Saxon did, all she said was -"she wants him to hurt from the pocket instead of the heart. When she told Saxon she wants him to take her to Jamaica and all will be forgotten, he didn't argue with her. "So" I'm guessing it was something big, because this hotel is on the expensive side with the "All Inclusive".  

I had forgotten I had promised her, I would come to Jamaica the next time she was coming here. I tried to get out of it, especially with the girls now four years old. But she reminded me of how much I'd promise, and that's why she had chosen Jamaica. I had no choice but to accept coming with her and Saxon. 

Leaving Neymar in-charge to run the office, I packed up the girls and Martha for two weeks of fun in the sun. "Even though" Martha isn't working while she's here, this is her first time visiting the Island. And I was happy to give her two weeks full paid vacation. I had to...' with the girls growing up so fast both Martha and me can hardly breathe. 

Giselle alone is more than we can handle, and with Chad not around all the time like when they were less than a year. I worried constantly. It's not just the motherly wholesome worries...' "Oh no" it's the leaving work because she hit her forehead open falling off the chair. Or cut her skin with a sharp playing objects and she's bleeding non-stop. These are the things which kept Chad away from being around them. 

"Sure Chad called them every single day and most nights before they went to bed. Seeing and being around them often was the problem. Right after Gia's first rushed in to the emergency room hospital visit, which kept her there overnight. All because she had some allergic reaction from eating a small piece of grills shrimp from my salad. What got Chad scared at the time" the doctor couldn't figure out, what was causing Gia to keep throwing up. It was after twenty four hours- the next day" when Doctor Janice asked me to recap the day of Gia's activities, we figure it was the Shrimp. 

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