Chapter 34

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"At three o'clock I step out of the office with my cell phone in hand." I dial Chad's office number and wait, the answering service came on and said that he was out, and how can they help me." I simply reply that I'll call back and hang up." 

"Where is he now? I thought Ian said that he was still here...' I said thinking what should I do now." I call his cell phone; it rings three times before he answers me." 

"Hey...Chad I was calling to see if we can meet up after work and talk about...he cuts me off." 

"J, I have already left for the day and I'm going to be busy for the remainder of the day... 

"Chad, I'll meet you wherever you are and anytime...' 

"J...I said that I'll be very busy...I had to stop him again." He was brushing me off." 

"Chad, please it's important I said in my sad voice." 

"Is this about what happened earlier? He inquires sounding annoyed." 

"Chad I just need to explain myself to you face to face, I said with a pleading tone." 

"J, I've told you to forget about it... 

"I know what you said Chad, please can I come and meet with you, I ask not giving up." 

"He sighted...I'm at my house, I don't see the need why we can't discuss this on the phone, he added." 

"Thanks I'll see in a few minutes I said rushingly and hang up before he changes his mind." Now to get Ian to allow me to leave work early, I said walking back toward the office."

"I was speeding down Sunrise Blvd. heading toward Chad's house." Thank goodness that Ian didn't grill me on why I want to leave at four in the evening, when I came in almost ten this morning."

"I try to rehearse what I was going to tell Chad, but nothing sounds like the right words to justify my definitions about rich people." I know what I said was wrong of me...'but I was mad at her for not taking care of herself, and leaving us in a mess that she had created." Not to mention that I was thinking of all the helpless people at the hospital that I used to see day in and day out fighting for their lives, while she's throwing hers away so easily."

"But...' Chad's right." I have no right to judge other's because they have money." And I don't know the real reason behind her condition, so I shouldn't jump to conclusions so easily." I pull up to the guard gate and punch in the code, as the gate slowly opens." I found that I wasn't nervous, just worried that he won't see it my way...'that I didn't say these things to offend him or any of his family." 

"I pull into his driveway and cut the engine." I walk up to his door and ring the doorbell, as I prayed silently that he's in a better mood than the one I last saw him in back at the office."

Hey...' he said after opening the door for me." He didn't sound or look upset anymore, but he wasn't happily either." He steps aside for me to enter, as he slowly closes the door behind me." 

"Thanks for seeing me, I said looking at him, but his eyes was everywhere except on me." 

"J, what is this about? He ask heading into the living room."  

"I follow him without answering his question." He sat down on the couch and I follow his movement." I sit inches about from him and reaches for both his hand." He looks at me, but didn't say anything."

"I...'I know that I've said that I'm sorry already to you chad...' but that seen like the wrong word to describe how am truly feeling." Chad I don't want you to think or believe that I have betrayed your trust in me, by telling me about your personal feeling." None of what I had said was related to you or your family...but I realize that the way I said it make it sounds as if I despise all rich... I mean people with money." I don't ...' it's just that it's hard for me to accept the ones who foolishly harm themselves...he try to interrupt me, but I stop him." 

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