Chapter 40

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"J...' I've told you my mother and brother had died, but I never explain, why, or what had caused their unfortunate untimely death, he said sadly." 

"I nod my head, but didn't say anything." I didn't look at his face either, because from the sound of his voice, I can tell he was sad."

"When I said my family has money, I wasn't talking about a few millions, he said as he continued in his sad tone." We had lived in Connecticut, which was our family home," until I was nineteen years old. Both my brother and I was born in our family home. my father is the third generation in my family, which makes me the fourth. My great grandfather started his cars dealership business in England way back in the 1900's, he started out with a partner, but that didn't last for long.

"Anyway, I knew we were wealthy from a very young age, he said as his voice took on a distasteful tone, when he said wealthy. I looked at him, and his eyes have this sad distance look in them.

"He was born Chadwick Craven," 'no middle name' he was the second child for both his parents, Chantel and Steven Craven", along with his older brother Tyre who was three years older than he was. Both of his parents didn't have any siblings. And with both of their great, and grandparents pass away, their family was a very small family. As small as their family was, there was no closeness with them.

At the tender age of six, Chad's day's was as busy as any grownups.  Their nanny would get them ready for school in the mornings, and the driver would drop them off and pick them up, at the end of the school period. After an hour at home from school, it was off to their daily activities. Ty would go to baseball practices or soccer, it depends on what day of the week it is. While he was schedule for kickboxing, "or soft ball, either way, their week days was fill with all different kind of sports activities. 

"Weekends were when they spend time with their mom, and if it happens two weekends in a row, luck was on their side." Their dad was hardly ever around, and even when he had bless them with his presence, it was never long enough to have a nice family time get together." He was always on his cell phone, or in his oversize office, making business deals.

By the time Chad turns ten years old, he could tell, his mom and dad, weren't the happily married couple, all the house helpers thought they were, or at least pretended they were." He had spent more time with his mom, than his dad, has he gets older." One would say, he was his mother's child, and Ty was their dad's child." 

His childhood was far from being happy, and perfect." Of course' money was never an issue, their family have more than their share of wealth." The name Craven was in four major cities in America." (New York, Los Angles Dallas Texas and Chicago, and across Europe and Canada) whenever you enter any of the Craven car dealership lot," there was no questions if you were a rich person." The dealership only sells expensive cars for the rich and famous." (Mostly top of the line German and Italian cars) like, Porsche, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Audi, Jaguar, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Maserati, and so on.

Most of their childhood years were spent with their nanny and the driver. But that never stop the love their mother had for them," especially Chad." Their mom was a stay at home mom, it was hard to believe it." Their mom would go away for two to three weeks during their young lives," it depends on how depress she was for the whole month." Whenever she was home, she was the best mother to both Chad and Ty." She always find the time to spent some alone time with them." At least one hour out of the day, was their alone time with her, and she tries to tuck them into bed every night, as she assure them she will always be there for them. Every time when she comes back home from wherever it was she went," the auguring with their dad and her, would starts again." Each time the fight would get louder and longer." He hated the way his dad treats his mom," but what can a ten years old child do?" he try asking Ty, why they were always fighting, and so often." But at the age of thirteen, Ty didn't have any real answers for him." He was also aware of how unhappy his mom was. It breaks his heart to see her live her life in sadness and unhappiness.

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