Chapter 46

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"My life has change in such a miraculous way, since I've met Chad." I had to take a God moment ever so often." I keep telling myself" this is really me and not someone else inside my body." Who would have thought...' a person like me, who had grown up without parents" and struggled so hard to make ends meet." With little education and no one to turn to in times of need, would be sitting here on Las Olas Blvd. in one of the most prime location on the beach high rising building in Fort Lauderdale." 

"I'm the proud owner of Hills marketing and advertising agency & Co. "and of course...'it's all Chad's doing." Chad didn't waste any time helping me, opening my own company." It was on the fifth floor with the view of the ocean and the down town Fort Lauderdale area." It was about five thousand square feet, not even close to as big as the office in Miami, but big enough to run a advertising business." There are six smaller office space in here, and my large office with space for my assistance." Everything was on one floor, but we could shoot a commercial in here if needed." 

"It had only taken us one year, to pull this off." During that time period, Chad had changed my working schedule..." I was traveling from one country to another, doing marketing with one of the marketer from the Canada branch." As well as accompany both Chad and Ian on shooting set." I have learn so much in the world of advertising" I now learned to appreciate every commercial I've seen, whether they're good ads' or not." 

"I miss the office in Miami, and the whole working atmosphere there." But with Ian spending most of his time in Canada now." And with Chad still traveling, the home sick feeling for the Miami office was rolling off." Ian and Chad may not be around on a daily basis like before...' but we're still working together in some sort."  

"My company collaborates with Chad's" "Although" it's known only between Ian Chad and me." Everyone else believes it's just another company with no connection." Chad had said we would be partners, but I knew that was too good to be true." He only owns twenty percent in my company" and I guess also the loan from his companies to get this one started." I sign a contract with him to pay back every penny when the company can stand on its own feet." 

"Chad has been there with me every step of the way, getting my company off the ground." He was there during the hiring process, during the business meetings, and clients meetings." My company main business was international advertising." My team and I travel to different countries and shoot ads for their business." I have the best team workers, everyone get along perfectly." I have about ten employees, on a daily basis here." Whenever we're traveling on location there's usually more of us." And that's when Chad's companies showed their connections with my company."  

"I was in my office working on an ad for a potential African client, when my desk phone rings." Neymar my lovely assistance answers it." Neymar is my borrow assistance from the Canada branch." He's in is early thirty's, he's what you called "tall dark and handsome." His mom his white and his dad his half black..." He's married with one daughter three years old." He's from West Virginia originally, but moved to Canada when he married his Canadian wife." Neymar likes it here in Fort Lauderdale, and wouldn't mind moving here permanently." Something Chad and I have been asking him to do, since I've open the company six months ago." But his wife said it's too hot here, and she doesn't like the extreme hot weather all year around." 

"Judine...' its Ian, do you have time to talk? He asks." 

"Yeah sure, I answer, he press line 1 and hang up." 

"Hey Ian, I said cheerfully." 

"It's good to know you're not too busy to chat with me today, he greets." 

"Ian, I apologize for the past couple of days...' but truthfully speaking, I was swamp." I have this upcoming contract meeting with my African client in two days" and I'm trying to make sure everything is in order, I explained." 

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