Chapter 33

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"We got busier as the weeks wines down to the supper bowl." Two of our commercials were blowing up as the best ads on all the local networks so far." Ian was proud that one of them was the one he fright for me to work on, the snacks one." Chad had never disapproved of me helping with the supper bowl ads, so I was able to do it without the approval of the other executives." 

"I went out with Ian one weekend, and his remedy for me to control my strong drinks, was to fill me up with liquor." He said that my system will get used to it and when I drink my system will be used to it." I never did it, and I never went out with him again." He pleads with me that, that's the only way, but I told him that he needs to read up on the facts about alcohols."  

"Supper bowl came and went." The Denver Broncos beats the New York Giants to win their third supper bowl title." And our snacks ad was the most voted commercial." It was voted the most hilarious and funny to watch commercial, plus well informed of the product, it also showed many different characters and how remarkable it is to bring people together for an American tradition." 

"I for one was getting all the praise for doing such a wonderful job." But no amount of praise could make me overwhelmed, more than when I was given a fifteen thousand dollars bonus check from Chad." I was stunned...'but he assured me that I deserves every cents." And that everyone was proud of my accomplishment for bringing the crown to our company." 

"Chad and I never get to celebrate my accomplishment, but Ian step in willingly." Chad had to leave the country shortly after that; he spoke to me on the phone" saying that he has something important to discuss with me when he returns in a week's time." 

"Ian wanted to know what I was going to do with my big bonus check, I'm going to buy a car I told him happily." He agrees with me, and offer to come with me." I thought about it...' only because I had discussed it with Chad, and he sounded as if he really wanted to come with me." But I couldn't wait any longer to buy my car, so I thank Ian for his company." Ian wanted me to buy a fifty six thousand dollars BMW X3, I told him no firm and simply." He argues with me none stop, but I wasn't going to put myself into more depth than I can handle." He even offers to give me some money toward the BMW, I thank him...' but decline." 

"I end up buying the Lexus IS 250, the same kind of car that Chad had rented for me when I first started working here." Ian said that if I wasn't going to buy the car that he had suggested, than I should at least buy this car brand new, he wouldn't stop arguing with me until I caved." It was a pale blue color fully loaded, I like it and my bonus check was half the price." I call Chad with Ian right there, and brag about my new car, and also tell him how much of a headache Ian was." Chad said that it was a good choice and that he was glad that I finally buy a car." I thank him and asked him if he can give his mechanic friend Maxwell a call for me, because the car dealership wanted to give me only five hundred dollars for my car." Sure thing he said, as soon as he get back he'll call him."  

"Chad and I became good friends fast after our drive out to Key West that weekend." We discovered that we have more in common with each other than we thought." We found out that we were both private person who hide our true self to the people that we associated with on a daily basis." Chad's all business and serious attitude, and yet warm and friendly with everyone at the same time."  

"As for me...' I'm quiet never saying too much 'except for Ian, of course' to anyone at the office." I keep myself busy, never having any time to sit and chat with my team members." But at the same time, always smiling and greeting everyone with a warm and friendly attitude." 

"Outside the work place Chad and I talk on the phone all the time." I spend Saturdays working out at his gym, and then teach him how to cook." We watched and talk about sports, we hung out only on Saturday, because Sundays Chad wouldn't call me and I always wonder if he was spending the day with his girlfriend, whom he still doesn't like to discuss with me openly."

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