Chapter 42

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"Months after his wonderful night with Nadine, Chad couldn't stay away from her. Nadine on the other hand had assured him time and time again, that what they were doing was against the law. Because he was only seventeen and she was twenty one.

"But Chad was in love with this Indian girl, and he told her just as much. They would see each other secretly, even Ty didn't know about Nadine spending time with him on a regular basis. It was also more convenient for them to sneak around because Nadine lives here in New York and goes to Princeton University.

"Just when Chad thought he was sure this was the woman" he was going to marry and spend the rest of his life with; Nadine calls it quits. Why? He asks confused." I thought that everything was going fine with us, he said.

"Don't you see Chad! it will not work, I'm studying pharmacist in school, and as soon as I'm through I'm moving to India to work at my family medical supplies pharmacy business she was telling him.

"I'll move there with you, he said interrupting her. But she was shaking her head no, don't you love me anymore he ask her with sadness in his tone.

"Chad Craven, I will always love you, but we were not meant to be together, she told him truthfully.

"Chad refused to believe what she was saying. Until Nadine cuts all ties with him. The one girl that he had love has broken his young heart and abandon him. The wound of losing his mom was now opens up again when Nadine stop seeing him. He had to talk to someone before he goes mental.

"He told Ty everything about his secret relationship with Nadine, But Ty wasn't surprise this had happen to Chad.  In fact he told Chad he was surprise it had lasted seven months, because Nadine has a boyfriend whom her family had chosen to be her husband when she finished school. He told Chad that , there will be many more girls so he should go slowly on falling in love.

"Ty didn't live by his own advice. Shortly after that; he got married to a girl he told Chad was his soul mate. He was only twenty one years old.

"Chad hated her the moment he met her, apart from the fact that his brother got married in Vegas without letting him or their dad know." She was also from a wealthy family background, and in Chad's opinion that was the only thing she and Ty have in common.

Petra Lowes was from a family of medicine. Both of her parents were doctor's whom were well known in the country. Whom happens to run and own their hospital in Boston. And of course they're both Harvard's graduates top of their class.

Chad could see why his brother had married Petra. She has the perfect looks! tall and skinny, blonde hair, though her eyes was light blue; nevertheless they were blue eyes. Her lips was done surgically just by looking at them you can tell. And so were her breasts.

"Petra was spoil and cold hearted, she didn't marry Ty because she loves him. Ty was a Craven and was very popular at school. He was the best player on their soccer team. She wanted the man most of her wealthy friend's dream of dating. But they didn't match" Ty has a warm heart, she has a cold heart. Ty cares about other people, she looks down on them as if they are all beneath her. She treated Ty as if he was her rag doll, they were given a two bedroom house by Chad's dad; who said he didn't care that Ty got marry or not, as long as he continued his schooling.

"Ty would call Chad and confesses how loveless their married lives were, he would talk about all the argument they would have over nothing. When Chad tries to tell him" he should just end it if he wasn't happy. Ty would confessed that he loves her and he was going to beat the family cursed. He was going to have children and live happily ever after.

"But after four months of marriage Ty catches his beloved wife with her ex-boyfriend having sex in their own living room. Ty had told her he was visiting Chad back at home but didn't get to make the trip. His sudden return home turns out to be him catching his new bride having sex in their matrimonial home. But even after that, Ty was willing to forgive her, and give their marriage a chance. But the whole school knew about it and did care to let Ty knew that they know. Ty couldn't take it anymore. especially when she wasn't has sorry has she claims.

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