Chapter 50

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(Note..." Hello everyone, just want to let you know, at some stage in this story Chad will mention what had happen while Judine was pass out during her delivery."

"I open my eyes, and close them back slightly." I blink a few times before I open them again." The first thing I was aware of...' I wasn't dead." I was lying in a bed which was in the center of the room." It gave me a clear view of the whole room.' 

"I slowly move my eyes around the room." It was bright in here because the window has thin white curtains, so the bright sunlight was pouring in." the room was a regular hospital room," off white wall color, and the desk area." I turn my head to the left" there was a big bouquet of flowers with all different kind." The most beautiful flowers you could see, was in the vase...' (Chad) I said smiling." 

"Then my eyes caught the pink ribbon that was wrap around it," attached was a big pink and black balloon up in the air." It reads..." congratulation it's a girl." My heart was beating fast now; I was nervous and happy at the same time..." I look for the nurse call button on the bed and press it quickly." 

"The nurse couldn't come fast enough for me...' but I have no other choice but to wait." I check to make sure I was in good standard" I was all clean up and dressed into a light blue nightgown, with thick blue hospital socks on my feet." I wasn't in any pain..." just a little sore between my legs" which of-course is expected, after giving birth." 

"The nurse enters the room..." Hi miss Hills, you're awake! It wasn't a question, but a statement." She makes her way closer to me..." how are you feeling?  

"Okay, thanks for asking, I replies."  

"Any pain, or discomfort at all? She asked staring down at me." 

"No" she was about to talk again, but I cut her off abruptly." Please can you tell me if both of my babies survive? 

"Yes..." you have two beautiful healthy baby girls, she responded with a happy smile." 

"Please can I see them right now? 

"Yes, of course" I'll go notify the nursery that you're awake...' then she stops and added." And your husband too" he just step out about fifteen minutes ago..." he'd been in here with you all night; I think he went to get some coffee, she ended." 

"Thank you...' 

"Nancy, she said, when she notices' I was trying to read her name badge," I smile at her before she walked out."  

"I lie there waiting patiently to see two people whom with no doubt," will change my whole life forever..." and the one man whom is my entire world." I was nervous to see them both..." "Funny huh" but knowing that you're a mother and actually seeing and touching your child is a little nerve racking at first." And Chad..." "Husband" as the nurse refers to him" If only that was true." My thoughts were interrupted as I watch Chad walks through the door." 

"He walk straight to my bed and sat on the side." He didn't say anything, as he lift the top half of my body and hug me close to him." I wrapped my arms around him, and we stayed like that for a couple minutes, without saying a single word." 

"I won't allow you to go through anything like this again, he quietly say breaking the silence." 

"Don't worry, I'm not planning on ever doing it again, I reply." I wanted to add, unless it's for you, but I didn't say what I was thinking." 

"He pulls away from me..." how are you feeling? 

"Excited and dying to see my children, I said smiling." He kisses my cheek and smiles at me sadly shaking his head." 

Passion of the Soul (formerly known as Love Has No Color)Where stories live. Discover now