Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"The apartment was lovely." The rooms were a little smaller than the ones at my house, but I didn't mind." After all, I was the only one who was going to be living here." 

I took the apartment quickly, for one big reason." 'I was almost homeless' plus the twelve hundred dollars a month was well worth it." It was mainly eight to ten minutes' walk to the beach." That alone would get me to take this place, 'cause' I love the beach."  

I was grateful to Geneva again for being so understanding to my life crisis." She allows me to leave my job at the hospital for good, without my two weeks notices." 

"I gladly sign the one year lease for the apartment." I took the time that I would be working at the hospital, to pack the stuffs that I was taking with me to my new place." And I have a huge moving garage sale Saturday and Sunday." I sold almost every piece of items that I put out for sale." All the furniture items were gone." 

"I had made more than enough money to rent a U-Haul truck, from the two days garage sale." On Monday I hire some of my guys ex co-workers from the hospital to help me move to Fort Lauderdale." Which wasn't too much stuff anyway?" I kept my bedroom set, and my living room couches." But the other two bedrooms furniture's and my dining room furniture's I sold at the garage sale." 

"Needless to say, I got rid of pretty much everything in my three bed two baths dream home, as I take as little as possible with me." The way I see it, this was a new beginning for me 'you know' starting all over again."  

"On Tuesday morning when I leave for work, I only have a twenty minutes' drive instead of driving two hours the night before." And the best part was that I didn't have the finding a place to live thing on my mind." Although I must say that I do miss the house keeping at the hotel that I had stayed in for over a month, but nothing compares to having a place of my own again."

"Ian and I were the perfect working partners." Although we fight constantly we were becoming accustomed to the fiery argument thing.' Because I am living close by now, I stayed later than usual at work. And I worked harder than any new comer too." I wasn't trying to impress anyone, but if I was ever going to get the hang of the world of advertising business, I need to sacrifice dinner and a movie with some guys, 'who thinks that I was beautiful and wanted to spend an evening out of the work place with me." 

"Personally I don't care to oblige in that at this time in my single lifestyle." So I decline kindly and buried myself in our office until the security guard notifies me that it was just the two of us time after time again." 

"Ian gave up on telling me that, I shouldn't be working this late, about a week ago." He even asked Chad to gives it a shot, "but for some strange reason 'that I can't explain" Chad seen to understands me." 

"I wasn't doing too badly either with the ads that Ian or Chad assign me to. 'With that being said' Ian makes sure that I was clue in on every potential new contract that they might seal."

"I walked into our office at eight a.m. with a cup of coffee in one hand for Ian, and my tea in the other." 

"Good morning Ian, I said handing him his large cup of dunkin donuts coffee." 

"Good morning, love of my life; he said as he takes the coffee from my hand and smiles at me happily." thank you, he added." I nod my head in my reply." 

"This was a morning routine for me, because I pass the coffee shop on my way to work every morning." And since Ian goes out of his way to get there, I've told him a few weeks ago that, I don't mind getting his coffee for him." 

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