next time - shunsui x reader

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Shunsui and (Name) had been together for several years and for the past few months, things had been getting rough between them. It seemed as though no matter what either of them did, their relationship only got worse. Neither of them were to blame, and it didn't take a genius to see where things were going.

"I'm sorry, (Name), but I think we both know what has to happen." Shunsui started as he and his girlfriend sat down for dinner at her place. A sad smile was on his lips, one that (Name)'s soon mimicked.

"I get what you're saying, Shunsui. I understand. It's just... It's hard to come to terms with, isn't it?" The woman gave a nervous chuckle. "I've been thinking about it too, though."

"Love just sucks sometimes, my dear." Shunsui sighed, taking his straw hat off and sitting it to the side. He placed one of his hands onto hers, sending her the most sincere of smiles. "I really wish things didn't have to be this way."

"Ah, but we both know it's what has to happen. I love you still, Shunsui, but sometimes, it just doesn't work." (Name) wasn't happy at all, but she knew it would be for the best.

After all, at this point, there wouldn't be any ill feelings between the two adults. In their own ways, the duo had already sort of accepted that their romantic relationship was over and that a friendship was all that remained. But, in all honesty, that seemed to be for the better.

"I love you too, (Nickname). I always will. You were the first girl to ever steal my heart." Shunsui dramatically held his hand over his heart, giving (Name) a goofy expression.

"How sweet." (Name) chuckled, smiling at Shunsui. He always knew how to make her laugh. "You were my first love, too."

Shunsui grinned and stood up, grabbing a bottle of sake from a nearby counter as well as a couple of glasses. He poured both of the glasses to the rim before sitting back down, the same silly look on his face.

"Maybe in another life, we'll be destined for each other." Shunsui lifted his glass. "It looks like this time, it just wasn't meant to be."

(Name) nodded and raised her own glass, giving Shunsui a smile. "To another lifetime of love."

"And to us."

The two clinked their glasses together before downing their alcohol and eating their meal. Even if Shunsui and (Name) weren't dating, they would still always have each other's back.

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