our little family - shunsui x reader

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"Daddy, come on! Let's do a tea party!" Shunsui sighed with a loving smile as his daughter tugged his hand and pulled him to the small table in the living room. She wore a happy grin as she adjusted the cups that she had set out. Shunsui sat down on the floor, watching as his daughter poured the imaginary tea from an actual toy tea pot.

"This tea is delicious!" Shunsui sat his cup down after taking a sip and giving her a pleased expression. The young girl's face lit up with joy.

"I'm glad you like it! I made it just for this occasion!" She walked over to her toy oven and pulled out a plate of cookies which she had made with (Name) earlier, before she had left on her mission. "Have a cookie!"

"Thank you!" Shunsui cheerfully took one of the cookies and popped it into his mouth. (Name)'s cooking was always amazing, and her desserts were to die for. But of course, Shunsui would compliment their daughter for this. "I love these cookies. They're wonderful! I wish I were as good a cook as you are."

"Thank you very much! I worked hard on them." She commented proudly, puffing out her chest a bit. She had the same brunette hair as he did, but her eyes shone like her mother's. She acted a lot like (Name), too.

"What will we be doing after this?" Shunsui questioned as he took another drink of imaginary tea.

"Hmm... How about we go see Uncle Jūshirō!" Shunsui chuckled at his daughter's enthusiasm. "Oooooh, after we see him, we can go see Captain... Captain..." She struggled to remember the name of the kind, wolfish Seventh Division captain. "That really cool guy that has ears and fur!"

Shunsui laughed at her description. "You mean Captain Komamora?"

"Yeah! Him!" She grinned. "Then we can..."

Shunsui fondly watched his daughter as she rambled off the list of things she wanted to do. However, the more she talked, the more tired she got. Soon, she was yawning and struggling to keep her eyes open.

When she finally dozed off, Shunsui carefully carried her over to her room and placed her on her bed. He gently pulled the blankets up over her sleeping form before placing a loving kiss on her forehead.

"Looks like you've had a busy day," Shunsui turned around with a grin at (Name)'s voice. She leaned against the door frame with her arms crossed over her chest and a caring smile on her lips.

"Tea parties aren't easy," He chuckled as he approached his wife and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You're a wonderful father, Shunsui," (Name) smiled and gave him a sweet kiss.

"I'm not that great," Shunsui chuckled. "You're much better at this than I am."

"Don't say that. You're amazing," Shunsui adored the kindness (Name) showed him. "I couldn't ask for a better husband."

"Our family is perfect," Shunsui said with certainty, "and I wouldn't change it for the world."

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