new experiences - byakuya x reader

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"Come on, Byakuya, just try it," (Name) urged as she pushed a plate towards the dark haired nobleman.

"It's really good, brother!" Rukia smiled.

"I don't see how such a peasant dish could be good at all," Byakyuya didn't even glance down at the food in front of him. He simply shifted his narrowed gaze from (Name) to Rukia as they spoke, trying to convince him otherwise.

What was the dish, you may ask?


(Name) and Rukia were trying to convince the stubborn head of the Kuchiki Clan to eat pizza.

"Really, it's delicious!" (Name) persisted, picking a slice up from the plate. "See?" She made a demonstration by taking a bite from the greasy, cheesy meal and swallowing it with a smile. "It's much better than you think."

"She's right, brother! Come on. Please, just give it a shot," Rukia had a begging look in her eyes as she stared up at her adoptive sibling. "Just one piece. That's all we're asking you to eat."

"Or even just a bite!" (Name) added. "One bite. That's all you have to try."

A sigh came from Byakuya's lips as he glanced down at the unhealthy Italian dish. In no way, shape, or form did he find it appealing.

"..." Byakuya took a knife and cut off a small piece of the pizza, eyeing it cautiously. Never in his life had he tried such cheap and easily prepared meal. Slowly, Byakuya raised the bit of pizza to his mouth, inserting it with a dubious expression.

"Well?" Rukia asked eagerly after Byakuya had swallowed.

"Disgusting," Byakuya replied in his normal, monotone voice as he stood up, turning away from the table. "I have never tasted such horrible food."

As Byakuya walked off, (Name) and Rukia exchanged frowns.

"It doesn't seem like he liked it at all," Rukia sighed.

"Not in the least," (Name) sighed as well. "Perhaps we should get him to try a cheeseburger next?"

"Perfect!" Rukia stood up quickly, rushing after Byakuya. "Brother!"

Byakuya let out a heavy sigh as he heard Rukia's approaching voice as well as her and (Name)'s footsteps. He didn't know why the two loved torturing him with such terrible food; but then again, he also didn't realize what exactly it was that made him give in to the two females wishes each and every time.

It seemed love could make even the most noble of men act like children.

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