Sleepless night - ⁿᵒᵐⁱⁿ⚠️

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Jisung was very tired but couldn't sleep, so he went to Jaemin and Jeno's room to sleep, but they had other things to be tired about.

Requested by -kunspace
(I didn't really get what you meant by the last part "they had other things to be tired about". So I kinda improvised and tried to get the best of it. I hope you still like it.)


Jisung had a long and tiring day. He and the rest of the NCT Nembers had the SMTown concert in Suwon today. It was a breathtaking experience, Jisung can't deny that, but it was also very tiring. The outfit changes and then all stylists and make-up artists around someone. There was just so much going on and Jisung hardly got any rest. Of course he also gave 100 percent in the performances, especially in Work it and Resonance, because it was the first time for him on stage to performnthese songs in front of the fans and he didn't want to disappoint them.

But Jisung was not alone. The others were also very tired and when they got to the hotel, they all went to their rooms and probably fell asleep straight away. Only Jisung couldn't sleep even though he was so tired. He thought that he would fall into bed dead immediately, but he just couldn't close his eyes. He doesn't even know what it is.
Maybe because he is alone in the room...

Normally, the NCT members always sleep with a roommate, but Jisung's roommate, who was Chenle, spontaneously decided to go to his Chinese brothers. Kun also wrote Jisung half an hour ago that he doesn't need to panic if Chenle isn't in his bed in the morning because he slept with them and they're just leaving him with them now. Of course Jisung doesn't mind, but he feels so alone and it's so unusual for the boy.

In his dorm, he shares a room with Renjun, and even then he doesn't sleep most of the time because he's always in his favorite hyungs bed. He would never admit that Jaemin is his favorite hyung, firstly not to feed his ego and make him even more clingy and secondly not to hurt the others. But of course everyone knows that Jaemin is Jisung's favorite hyung and everyone also knows that Jisung is Jaemin's baby.

"Urgh...I need sleep," the boy says to himself as he desperately sits up and looks around the empty and dark room. Jisung thinks for a moment and then it occurs to him that two rooms down is Jaemin and Jeno's room. "Should I?" he asks himself and thinks for a moment. Jaemin wouldn't mind, but Jeno might.
The others always say that Jeno has a 'crush' on Jisung, but Jisung doesn't notice it. Jeno always just nags on him or annoys him. That has nothing to do with a crush.

"But if I tell them that Chenle left me alone, maybe Jeno will feel sorry... or Jaemin will give him no other choice," says Jisung, then decides to go to his hyungs. But before he leaves the room, he takes his room key with him, firstly because he is sure that Chenle has forgotten it and secondly because he doesn't want to repeat the same situation as before with Jaehyun. Sometimes Jisung learns from mistakes...

After Jisung then stood in the hallway, an uncomfortable silence surrounds him and he would like to go back to his room, but Jisung is only an adult and can face such situations. So he makes his way two room doors further. Now Jisung is standing in front of his hyung's door, but doesn't dare to knock.
"What if they're sound asleep?" he wonders, hesitating. Then he decides to listen at the door, but the walls and door are soundproofed, no scream, no matter how loud, can get through.

Jisung bites his lower lip and then decides to just knock. It was just a soft knock and no one seems to have noticed, so he knocks again, a little louder this time.
When Jisung stands there for another 30 seconds and nobody opens the door, he probably has no choice but to give back, but just as he has turned around, the door opens and Jaemin stepped out in a bathrobe.

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