17. Sweet Revenge!

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Tankhun's POV:

Today's agenda: I will find her and talk to her like nothing ever happened between us. Because I can't possibly explain anything about why I treated her the way I treated her... Like seriously what would I say "Hey Amy, remember me? the handsome boy who refused to recognize you the other day... No? I even call you annoying. Does that ring a bell?  Well, I didn't mean that. I was in the middle of getting stalked and was under threat of getting kidnapped. Pardon but I was not interested in taking you with me. Don't get me wrong, I just didn't want you to accompany me and get tortured by my side. Hope you understand. You do? Thanks."

Damnit! If I mentioned any of that she would find me crazy, or worse... she would get scared and run away... from me. And that would be quite troublesome for my... heart? 

Hah! Let's not be emotional. It's not like I was going to explain myself in the first place. Among all the things that I never do, explaining myself is one of them. So, let's just pretend we're still on good terms. Simple!

Today I make extra efforts to look good for her. I'm planning to charm her with my good looks and style. I wore my royal blue pants with long boots, and also that stupid white shirt which is compulsory, sadly. I wore my steel-framed, heptagon-shaped see-through glasses. I checked myself in the mirror for the thousandth time. Woah how can someone be so perfect? I want to kiss the guy in front of me, standing in the ceiling-to-floor mirror.

Tadaaa~~~ I jumped out in front of Arm and Pol and struck some poses to show off my look. They just stare at me. Idiots.

"Khun, you need to change your pants... and boots," Arm stated flatly.

"Why? It's from the new collection and..."

"Khun, please! we're getting late." He cut me off between, how dare he... But it's okay as long as his point is valid. I can't afford to be late... not today at least.

Then I got changed into sky-blue ripped jeans. And wore black Gucci loafers. Ha! I still looked dashing.

"How you like that.. ta da da ta da da da~~" I came back while singing. They both gave me The Look. I placed my hand on my back and narrowed my eyes at them until they bowed down. Good! I know they're cursing me in their stupid hearts. Hahahaha...

I waited for Pol to open the car door for me. As soon as I sit, I make them play music at full volume. They were making their faces ugly for me to look at. Weirdos. I let the music run through my veins. And feel every beat in my heart. I need lots of energy, I'm getting a strange feeling like it's gonna take a lot to handle her. But everything will go as I planned... because the day is beautiful, and so do I.


The odds are in my favor because as soon as our car entered college, I saw a familiar figure.

"Both of you stay in the car." I gave orders to my guards. Then as I got out of my car I saw her, walking towards....me?

Is it just me or is she walking in slow motion!!?

She was wearing black jeans cuffing on the bottom and sneakers, a scarf around her long neck, one side was longer than the other. Maybe that's her signature style... or something. Her side bangs were flying all over her face, and all of her hair was hiding behind her scarf on one shoulder. She looked...awesome without even trying. I didn't even realize that I was smiling while looking at her.

She was only a few steps away now.




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