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"Who would have thought that 'virtuous' guy likes men?" Kinn said as he lay naked on the bed with two glasses of liquor, "And worst of all, he always said in his speeches that homosexuality was a sin."

Porsche couldn't help but laugh after hearing how pleased Kinn was with his victory. He took the glass from his client's hand and took a sip, "That guy is the biggest asshole. I was so happy to see that coward's frightened face. If only I had told him that his wife doesn't feel pleasure with him anymore, it would have been the best thing in the world."

Kinn smiled at him but couldn't help but think about what he was saying, "You sound like you hate him."

"That guy doesn't like men, he likes children," Porsche said as he sipped from his glass, "Besides, he's a sadist and I'm so glad I can get even with that bastard."

Kinn looked at him in surprise as he remembered that Trayect had been one of his clients. So it was only logical to assume...

"Did he hurt you?," Kinn asked but Porsche just looked at him in surprise and took a sip of the whiskey he held in his hand.

"There's nothing anyone can do to hurt me if I don't allow it to invade my mind. It would be like giving importance to someone who doesn't deserve it," Porsche replied seriously as he took another sip of liquor and reached for the bottle again to fill both glasses.

Kinn at that moment began to reflect on those words. He was sure that the call boy had been hurt in this line of work when he was just a kid, but he remained strong and unwavering.

Phoenix really surprised him greatly and made him feel pathetic for his own pitiful feelings. Was he giving too much space in his thoughts to the one who hurt him?

"We're not all that strong," Kinn replied sadly as he gulped down the contents of his glass.

"Are you talking about the person who broke your heart?" Porsche asked and he nodded.

"Pathetic right," Kinn replied with a small smile.

"I don't really understand what you feel since I haven't fallen in love with anyone ever, but it seems that you really loved him," said Porsche with some sadness in his eyes since he couldn't understand how someone could leave a handsome and wealthy boy like Kinn. It was just incomprehensible.

"I loved him to the point of going crazy for him but he betrayed me with someone close and destroyed my trust," he replied as he continued to sip from his glass.

Porsche thought about what Kinn had said for a moment. He didn't quite understand the feeling of loving madly, but he did understand the idea of someone close betraying his trust. He had experienced it many times with that damned uncle of his.

"Then fuck him," he said banging his glass against Kinn's.

Kinn laughed after hearing him say that. The young call boy normally only used sweet or affectionate words, extremely respectful and polite, so he thought "This is the real Phoenix."

"Yeah," Kinn said taking a sip of liquor, "Fuck him."

Porsche refilled their glasses as they both seemed lost in thought. Suddenly the wealthy young man, out of nowhere, said something that surprised the call boy a lot, "Forgive me for what happened this morning at the firing range."

Porsche just looked at him strangely since he didn't know how to respond. No client had ever treated him like this, as they say... with respect?

"I shouldn't have insulted you or thrown money at you like that," Kinn said, taking his hand, "I'm so sorry."

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