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Kinn's head was spinning with rage to the point that he felt dizzy.

How was it possible that his life could repeat itself in the same way?

Why the hell did he trust Porsche and his empty words?

"Kinn, dinner is ready," Porsche told him with a smile when he entered the room to look for him.

But Kinn just looked at him with hate in his eyes as he held the manila envelope with the photos in his hands.

"What the hell is this?" Kinn asked, looking at him with incomprehensible rage.

"Kinn..." Porsche replied nervously when he saw what his boyfriend was holding.

"What the fuck is this?!," Kinn yelled angrily at Porsche as he shook the envelope in his hands and his eyes filled with hatred.

"It's not what you think," Porsche told him, trying to reassure him that his thoughts were mistaken but the rage in his head was about to burst.

"Do you think I'm stupid?," Kinn said, as if he were offended by Porsche's words.

"Kinn, it's not what you think..."

"Who took these photos?," Kinn yelled on the verge of tears from the rage he felt in his heart.


"ANSWER ME!" Kinn yelled like a demon.

"Vegas..." Porsche responded, almost crying.

"Vegas..." Kinn said and felt his blood rush to his head.

"But it's not what you think, we took those photos..."

"Don't give me shit Porsche!" Kinn yelled again, looking into his eyes because no matter what Porsche said, he didn't want to listen to his lies, "You're naked in these photos..."


"You're naked in his bed," he told him, throwing the photos to his face, "Do you think I wouldn't recognize that studio?"

Porsche was scared when he saw Kinn's outburst, but calmly tried to explain the situation, "Please Kinn, it's not like that, he took those photos because..."

"I don't care why the hell he took those photos!" he said to Porsche with his face completely transformed, "You're naked! In his bed!"

"Please Kinn you have to listen to me and calm down," Porsche tried to get closer in an effort to ease the situation, but Kinn was blinded by hatred as he felt that all the trust he had given him had gone down the drain.

He felt like that time...when Tawan cheated on him.

"Do you think I'm an idiot?!" Kinn yelled like crazy and slammed his fist on the bedroom wall, "ANSWER ME PORSCHE!"

"It 's not like that! Vegas an I..."

In a fit of rage, Kinn grabbed Porsche's wrists and pushed him violently, hitting his boyfriend's head against the wall.

"I'm not going to let him take you," Kinn said, looking at him with hatred and suddenly, as if he were possessed, began to forcefully kiss Porsche, pinning him against the wall aggressively.

"Kinn stop it!" Porsche yelled at him but Kinn didn't want to hear it, he was lost in madness and continued to push him against the wall.

"Kinn stop!" Porsche continued to struggle to get free, but Kinn was stronger and started to reach into his clothes.

"Stop it!" Porsche yelled at him, when suddenly Kinn, totally enraged, slapped him across the face and pushed him violently against the bed.

"He's not going to take you away from my side! You hear me bitch!" Kinn yelled at him, climbed on top of him and started biting his neck while holding him by the wrists against the bed and Porsche just cried desperately, paralyzed with fear.

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now