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It seemed that the weather accompanied what Porsche was feeling. The falling rain seemed to wash away all the pain in his heart and he just walked as if he were completely lost, as if the world was falling on him.

He couldn't go home like this, his brother would notice and worry about him, so he just sat on a bench in a children's playground and closed his eyes while he felt the raindrops fall on his face.

Suddenly he felt the water no longer hit him and a friendly hand was placed on his shoulder, it was Pete holding an umbrella to protect him from the weather.

"I knew I had to follow you," he told him with a hint of sadness and just hugged him. When Porsche felt his arms full of warmth, he burst into tears again and held himself tightly against his chest, as if he felt a relief in the depths of his heart.

"Come on, I'll take you to my house," he told Porsche, taking his arm as they walked together to the bus station.

After a short ride, they arrived at Pete's apartment and he took a quick hot shower to wash off the chill. His friend lent him some clothes to wear and was already waiting for him outside the bathroom with a cup of coffee and something to eat.

"You don't have to tell me what happened if you don't want to," Pete told him as he handed Porsche the mug carefully so he wouldn't burn, "But I'm here for you."

"Thank you," he said and replied a little calmer, "Honestly...I really don't know what happened."

"Did that guy hurt you?," he asked with a hint of anguish.

"No," he replied, "But I hurt someone."

"What happened?," asked his worried friend.

"Kinn saw me having sex with Vegas," he replied and felt that painful anguish invade his heart again. Pete looked at him sadly and held his hand as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing and just sighed heavily.

"That bastard," he said angrily and then looked sadly at Porsche, "Why do you think he did it?"

"I don't know," the call boy said as he drank some more coffee, "Kinn showed up at his house unexpectedly and saw us together."

"That must have been that idiot's plan," he replied angrily, "They think that because they have money they can take advantage of people like that."

"That expression... Kinn's expression...," he felt like he would cry again, "I've hurt him deeply."

Pete just kept quiet and held his hand as the tears slowly fell from his eyes again.

"I'm an idiot, how could I hurt him when he's been so good to me," he repeated as anger at himself swirled in his head.

"I're hurt too," Pete told him, wiping away his tears carefully.

"I...I'm fine," he replied as he took a breath to calm himself, "Kinn was the one who got hurt from all this."

"I don't think that's true," Pete replied and looked him in the eye, "I think you have feelings for that guy, otherwise you wouldn't be crying like that."

Porsche just looked at him sadly and replied, "It's strange how I feel about him."

"What do you feel?" Pete asked him.

"I feel joy when I'm next to him, my heart races and I wish for him to always be happy," Porsche told him as he took a sip of hot coffee to warm himself up.

"I think you're falling for him," Pete told him but he just shook his head.

"Even if that's true, it can't be," the call boy replied with a look of sadness in his gaze.

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now