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Kinn arrived at the Main Mansion that night without even realizing how he got back...

The employees were picking up the decorations for his wedding with Tawan in the courtyard and were busy, so they didn't notice his presence as he walked through the front door, with a devastated look in his eyes.

He walked almost automatically through the empty corridors all the way up to his room....

As he opened the door he was flooded with all the memories he had shared with Porsche that morning and he blamed himself for not escaping with him when he had suggested it. If he had left that room holding his hand, maybe now everything would be different.

After a few minutes lost in thought he went into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. His white suit was covered in faint blood while his sleeves were bright red, like a terrifying pattern. He admired his reflection for several seconds in silence as he removed each item of clothing carefully, as if it were something fragile.

The bloody clothes were so stained that it had seeped through his jacket and shirt to stain his skin. Kinn's eyes were swollen and lifeless, as if all the strength he had had abandoned him. As if his soul had left his body.

He was tired...

He turned on the shower, not really caring if it was hot or cold, and went inside to rinse off the blood with the sponge. He watched intently as the red water mixed with the soap and fell onto the tile before going down the drain.

And the memories came back to his mind...

Porsche in the water, cold and pale. The blood on his wrists, the red water in the pool, the purple lips, the lack of a pulse...

Kinn could no longer take the pain.

He collapsed in the shower and tears began to spill from the depths of his heart in desperation. He sat on the cold tile floor and held his knees, while he cried like a little child, feeling the icy water fall on his back.

Porsche...his beloved Porsche....why did he do that?

Suddenly a pair of warm friendly hands turned off the water and held him gently, "Kinn, calm down."

It was Khun, who had been looking for him when he saw his car parked in the parking lot. After seeing him so undone, he held his little brother against his chest and held him tight as Kinn cried painfully.

"Khun...his heart stopped...," he said between sobs, "I lost him in my arms..."

"Calm down, Kinn," he told him, stroking his hair tenderly as tears left his own eyes after seeing his younger brother so devastated.

"How could I be so blind?," Kinn said to himself as he cried.

"How could you know?," his older brother said as he stroked his hair.

"Pete warned me but I was so stupid not to listen," he said, banging his fist against the wall and his brother immediately stopped him from further hurting himself.

"You tried to help him," Khun said looking into his eyes and holding his cheeks, "What happened tonight is not your fault."

"I don't know what to do," he said between sobs.

"What did the doctor say?," Khun asked as he took a towel to cover him.

"That he's lucky to be alive," Kinn said trying to get to his feet, "He lost a lot of blood and his heart stopped beating for a few minutes. When that happened I completely lost it."

"He's strong," Khun said with a half smile helping him to his feet, "he's going to get through this."

"I don't know what to do anymore," Kinn sobbed as his brother helped him out of the shower and into his room.

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now