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Notes from the Author: Sorry I haven't been translating lately but my depression kick in hard this week and I haven't able to keep my head straight. Thank you guys for your patience and I will try to update daily as much as possible.

Porche's story is very similar to mine so some things I wrote are a little triggering so please be patient with me. 


"Venice is behind in all his classes," the teacher told Vegas one afternoon after the little one's first week, "He still doesn't know how to read or write and he doesn't have any mathematical knowledge for his age. I consider it necessary for him to take private classes."

"But he likes school a lot, I don't want to take him away," Vegas said worriedly.

"It won't be necessary for you to withdraw him since he is adjusting well with his classmates, but it is important that he receives lessons with a private tutor,"she said with a smile and handed him a list of contacts.

"I'll see to it," Vegas said as he put the list away in his jacket. He already realized it was hard for Venice to achieve simple goals that came easy to other kids due to the disadvantages he had to experience in life and it seemed unfair what was happening now. The little boy really wanted to fit in at school and Vegas didn't want him to feel left out. So if he could do anything about it, he would try.

"Don't worry too much. Venice is very smart and he's going to catch up with his peers very soon. For children at risk, stability is everything and I think you are doing a very good job with him," the teacher said as she handed Vegas a work folder, which contained drawings of little Venice with him.

When he saw the illustration he felt guilty that his relationship with the little boy had been born out of selfish interest, but now everything had changed. Venice was the joy of everyone who knew him and had become someone important to him.

His pranks, games and tenderness surpassed those of other children his age, so it was always interesting to spend time with him. His innocence was refreshing and made everyone who was with him have the most fun thanks to his little quips.

"Thank you for your help with him," Vegas said to the teacher and after saying goodbye, he went out to the playground to meet Pete, who was waiting with Venice on the swings. They were both laughing and competing to see who could go faster.

He watched them attentively in silence for a few seconds, thanking fate that he had the opportunity to free that little boy from a hard life. A life like that of Porsche, filled with pain and hardship.

"We must go!" Vegas yelled at the two of them with a smile. Venice ran to grab his backpack and held Pete's hand as they all went to the car together.

"Pete I need to do something urgently," Vegas told him with a serious look, "Could you stay with Venice all afternoon?"

"Sure, no problem," Pete replied, somewhat distracted as he strapped the child into the car seat.

"Thank you," he replied with a smile, "I just have to accompany Porsche to the prosecutor's office."

"What? Why?" Pete said surprised, "You can't..."

"Can't I accompany my friend on something so important?" he said, looking him in the eyes, "He wants me to be there."

"But you can't, he...I..."

"You have nothing to worry about," Vegas told him with a kind smile, "I just want to help him, I mean it."

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now