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Porsche and Vegas drove quickly to the Teerapanyakul Mansion in search of any clue that could direct them to the location of little Venice.

When they arrived they found the bodyguards running everywhere, even turning over the cushions of the armchairs, trying to find the boy. Some went searching for the pool and others checked the trees in the gardens.

Thankun led the search throughout the house and issued wild orders to everyone, "Don't leave any place unchecked! Find him quickly! Check the car engines if you have to!"

"Do you know anything about Venice?" Porsche asked worriedly.

"What are you doing here?!" Thankun asked Vegas, shoving Porsche aside, "Go get your boy! Quick!"

"Calm down," Vegas said angrily as he let go of his grip.

"How do you want me to calm down if he's been missing for over three hours already?" Thankun said as tears rolled down his cheeks, "If anything happens to him... I swear I will torment you forever until the day you die. "

"Stop it!" shouted Kinn, who had just arrived at the house after receiving the news.

After seeing Kinn arrive at that time, Porsche was filled with sadness and Vegas noticed his reaction since he knew exactly what was afflicting his friend at that moment.

"He's a very small child so he can't have gone far," Kinn said worriedly.

"That's not entirely true," Kim said distraught, "Venice is a different kind of kid. He knows what life is like on the streets and he knows how to get around the city so there's a good chance he could go far."

"My child! My sweet baby!" Thankun cried in anguish, "We have to find him!"

"What if he went to the red light district?" Porsche asked scared, "That's the only thing he knows and maybe he has acquaintances in that place."

"We have to split up into groups and look for him," Kinn said, "I'll go with Porsche to the red light district, Vegas can go with Macao to the train and bus stations, while Thankun can stay home in case he comes back. Kim will lead the bodyguards of both families to scour every corner of the city and if we don't have answers, we will meet here in two hours."

Everyone got to work, finding out from their sources if anyone knew the minor's whereabouts, but they couldn't find any answers.

Kinn and Porsche began to become distressed when, after checking all the bars in the red light district, they found nothing. Not even in the places where adults used to go looking for minors were they able to get a response and time continued to pass.

"Come on," Kinn told Porsche as they both got into the car after leaving the last club.

"Where could he be?" Porsche asked in a hopeless tone as Kinn hurried home. His heart was filled with anguish at the thought that someone could hurt him.

"I don't know," Kinn said, distressingly. Even though he had just discovered that Venice was his younger brother, he felt as if Kim or Thankun were lost.

"What if someone kidnapped him?," Porsche asked as he looked carefully through the streets to see if he found any sign of the child.

"We are going to find him," Kinn said, holding his hand, "Everything is going to be okay."

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now