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Porsche was enjoying a cigarette naked while admiring the view from the luxury hotel room where he was sitting. As he inhaled the smoke into his lungs, he could feel how it warmed him, sensing a fleeting relief in his soul after the memories of that day at the beach invaded his mind again.

Suddenly warm hands gently held his waist, moving slowly along the silhouette of his body until they took his face with force to plunge him into a slow and passionate kiss.

"You were great today baby, but I have to go, my wife is waiting for me," it was Arm, one of his most frequent clients, a handsome young man who used to hire his services from time to time when he succumbed to his deepest desires.

He was trapped in a loveless arranged marriage with a wealthy woman for the benefit of his parents' business so he often sought his company when he wanted to satisfy his paramount needs for intimacy.

"I'm glad you liked it," Porsche replied with a smile as he kissed him on the lips again.

"You're always fantastic, but lately I've noticed you're different, more sensitive" the man said as he got up to get dressed in a hurry to go home.

"I don't think so," Porsche replied, but that wasn't true. Since the last time he slept with Kinn, he couldn't stop thinking about him every time someone caressed him. So at times his mind wandered to the memory of him while he had sex with his clients causing him to feel more comfortable.

"Here is your pay," he told Porsche as he handed him a white envelope with money, "Thank you for your services, you have pleased me"

Arm came closer and kissed him hard, while his hand caressed his body slowly. Porsche just smiled as he played with it and added, "Well, your night is over, it's time to go."

"Next time I'd like you to bring someone else for a threesome," and the boy just nodded as Arm straightened his tie before walking off.

After the man left the room, as usual, Porsche waited a few minutes to finish his cigarette. He dressed himself in his red suit and hurried away.

But as he left the hallway, heading towards the elevator, he felt a pair of hands clamp down on his arm, making him stop on his tracks.

She was a beautiful young woman with tears in her eyes. He didn't have to guess much to know who she was.

"I have to go," Porsche said startled but the woman didn't let go and dug her nails into his arm.

"You were with my husband, weren't you?" she sobbed as the call boy tried to break free of her grasp.

"You're wrong, miss," and suddenly the woman slapped him hard across his face, leaving his cheek burning red hot.

"You're his lover, I know it," she said as she cried desperately and continued to hit him. They both seemed to get a lot of attention from the people in the hallway, so Porsche took her arm and led her back to the room he had shared with his client.

Once there, he told her calmly, "I'm not his lover or his boyfriend, he just hired me to hang out, that's all."

"Are you a whore?" the woman said, her face full of shock and anguish, immediately letting go as if she felt contempt.

"That's right," Porsche replied. It was not the first, nor would it be the last time that someone called him like that.

"How dare that bastard do this to me!" she screamed, collapsing in anguish to the ground as if her perfect world had collapsed on top of her.

It was clear that she loved him and that this betrayal had broken her heart into pieces. Between sobs she told Porsche, "I knew he liked men, but I didn't think he would do something like that to me."

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now